Acquia CDP


You can use Criteo to display interactive banner advertisements to your audience. Criteo displays ads based on the online browsing preferences and behavior of your users.

Use cases

You can leverage Customer Data Platform (CDP)’s integration with Criteo to solve the following use cases:

  • Enable retargeting or personalization: You can send an audience selection from Actions in CDP to Criteo for retargeting or personalization of your ads. Criteo can leverage the email addresses of the users in the audience segment and retarget such users. For more information on setting up this integration, see Steps to retarget and personalize.

  • Avoid retargeting: You can send a file of the most recent transactions to Criteo. You can do this to avoid retargeting the same users with ads. You can send the offline transaction details to Criteo to optimize your revenue by not targeting users who purchased your product already. Therefore, you can get a better view of your ROI by including in the attribution calculation offline transactions of ads viewers. For more information on setting up this integration, see Steps to send transactional data to Criteo.

Steps to retarget and personalize

Step #




Define the audience targeting criteria.

CDP customer


Create a scheduled campaign in Actions.

CDP customer


Create a Support ticket or contact your customer value manager (CVM) about integrating with Criteo.


The exported file from Campaigns+ contains the Email Address - SHA256 Hash and mastercustomerID columns. As Criteo cannot process the file with mastercustomerID, Acquia modifies the file to remove mastercustomerID. In addition, Criteo does not support SHA256-based values. Therefore, Acquia modifies the file to have MD5 hash column instead, which is supported by Criteo.

CDP customer


Leverage CDP’s self service credential management feature to create a CDP-managed instance that you can connect to an SFTP destination connector. For more information, see SFTP service provision.

CDP customer


Connect the file in the audience uploader to automate the file ingestion. The exported file contains MD5-hashed email addresses.


Steps to send transactional data to Criteo

Step #




Create a Support ticket or contact your customer value manager (CVM) about sending transactional data to Criteo.

CDP customer


Create an incremental export process to send all the required attributes through a template report to Criteo. For more information, see Template report.


Template report

The template report contains the following columns:

Field name



The MD5 hash of the customer’s email.


The transaction timestamp in ISO 8601 standard UTC:yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.


The store ID where the transaction is made.


The name of the event hardcoded as storeTransaction.


The quantity of products bought as a part of transaction separated by pipe delimiter (|) for transaction having more than one product bought.


The price of products bought as a part of transaction separated by pipe delimiter (|) for transaction having more than one product bought.


The product IDs bought as part of transaction separated by pipe delimiter (|) for transaction having more than one product bought.


The transaction ID of the transaction made in the store.


The currency of the transaction.

If you face any issues during the setup process, contact Acquia Support.

For more information, see Offline sales - flat file feed Criteo integration.