If you pass your exam
If you pass a certification exam, your passing score will be displayed on the screen, and you will gain access to download a PDF of your exam certificate. In addition:
- Your exam data will be transmitted to our Certification Registry, where you can edit your profile to include your profile image, portfolio sites you want to list, and social links like Twitter, LinkedIn, Drupal.org, and Github.
- You can download additional copies of your certificate from the registry once your account is created.
- You can download your digital badge by right-clicking the badge image on your registry profile.
If you do not pass your exam - our retake policy
When you purchase an exam, you purchase only one attempt at the exam. When you complete an exam, your score is displayed on the screen. Your results may help you determine which test sections need more preparation before your next attempt at the exam.
Acquia requires a 24-hour "cooling off period" before you can retake the same exam.
You may retake the same exam a total of three times. A fourth attempt requires a waiver from the Acquia Certification Program office. This waiver allows us to make sure you are preparing correctly and taking the level of exam you intend for your skill level.
To retake an exam, you must re-register for the exam and either pay the exam's cost or use an exam voucher.