The Cloud Platform user interface groups subscriptions, applications, and teams under an organization. An organization can represent different business objects for different entities, depending on your needs. You can group all your applications under a single organization, or split them apart into multiple organizations if the applications are developed by separate business units.
Acquia sets up your organizations when you create an Acquia subscription. Each subscription, including its applications, and each team belongs to one (and only one) organization. A team member may be on teams assigned to any number of organizations.
Viewing organizations
To view your organizations:
In the top menu, click Manage.
The system displays the My Organizations page. This page lists information cards with each card containing details about all the organizations in which you have a role. Based on your role in the organization, the card displays the organization’s owner and administrators. However, if you are associated with a single organization, the system does not display the My Organizations page and instead redirects you to the Overview page for the specific organization. You can view your details along with information about the administrators, members, teams, and applications in the organization.
If you are the Owner or an Administrator of the organization, the card displays the number of teams, roles, and subscriptions in the organization.
If you are not the Owner or an Administrator of the organization, the card displays the name of the owner and administrators of the organization that you are a part of.
If you are the Owner or an Administrator, or have the administer team permission (which by default a Team lead has), you can use the links at the bottom of the information card to invite a member to a team or remove a member from teams. For more information, see Managing team members.
To view more details about the organization, including the organization’s teams, team members, and applications, click the organization name or the Manage button at the bottom of the card.
Organization roles and actions
Each organization has a single Owner and one or more Administrators. The Owner and Administrators have all permissions relating to every application under the organization. They can also give other users the Administrator role.
The following table describes different actions Owners and Administrators can take with organizations:
Action | Owner | Administrator |
✓ | ✓ | |
✓ | ✓ | |
✓ | 𐄂 |
Renaming an organization
An organization’s Owner and Administrators can rename an organization.
To rename an organization:
Sign in to the Cloud Platform user interface as a user with the Owner or Administrator role.
In the top menu, click Manage.
On the Organizations page, select your organization.
Click Actions.
Click Rename from the dropdown menu.
Enter the new name for the organization, and click Rename.
Transferring ownership of an organization
An organization’s Owner can only transfer ownership to one of the organization’s Administrators.
To transfer ownership:
Sign in to the Cloud Platform user interface as a user with the Owner role.
In the top menu, click Manage.
On the Organizations page, select your organization.
Click Actions.
Click Transfer Ownership from the dropdown menu.
In the New owner list, click the Administrator you want to be the new organization Owner.
Click Continue.
Removing organizations
Account owners can remove organizations without any associated active subscriptions.
To remove an organization:
Sign in to the Cloud Platform user interface as a user with the Owner role.
In the top menu, click Manage.
On the Organizations page, select your organization.
Click Remove.
The system removes the organization.