Cloud Platform

Support ticket notifications

Users assigned to a role that has the Include as a collaborator on all tickets by default permission enabled receive an email automatically when a new ticket is created and the ticket originates from Acquia. All customers associated with an application can view all tickets for the application. If a user creates a ticket through the ticketing system portal, only that user gets notified of the ticket creation. When Acquia Support responds to a ticket, all users who are assigned a role with the Include as a collaborator on all tickets by default permission are cc’d on the email from Acquia Support.

To add additional users to a ticket for communication:

  1. Access the Teams & Permissions page in the Cloud Platform user interface.

  2. Assign a role that has the Include as a collaborator on all tickets by default permission enabled to the user that is not receiving notifications.

    After assiging the role, replies to all cases related to a subscription emailed to the user or users that are updated in a day of making the change.

Administrators on a subscription are included in all notifications related to an application.