

Acquia CLI is an open source command-line interface for interacting with Cloud Platform services. You can perform the following actions using Acquia CLI:

  • Run Drush commands on your applications hosted by Acquia, even if Drush is not installed locally
  • Download Drush aliases for your applications hosted by Acquia
  • Access your applications hosted by Acquia using SSH
  • Tail logs on your applications hosted by Acquia
  • Manage your Cloud IDEs
  • Interact with more than 200 Cloud Platform API endpoints

Getting started

To get started with Acquia CLI, install Acquia CLI.

To view hands-on training material for Acquia CLI, sign in to Acquia Academy and access the e-learning material.

Complementing tools

  • Acquia CLI is not an Integrated Development Environment (IDE). To use an IDE, visit Cloud IDE. It includes a pre-installed version of Acquia CLI.
  • Acquia CLI does not manage or integrate with Drupal directly.
  • Acquia CLI does not integrate with Pipelines. To manage Pipelines jobs, use Pipelines CLI.
  • Acquia CLI is a standalone program. For most of the commands, it does not require external tools such as Composer or Drush. Libraries such as ACSF tools offer similar but limited features using Drush.
  • Acquia CLI extends the Cloud Platform API PHP SDK to support Acquia products and services beyond the Cloud Platform API.

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