
Hostname management

Use the following checklist to manage hostnames for Edge powered by Akamai:

Adding hostnames to Edge powered by Akamai

To add hostnames to Edge powered by Akamai:

  1. Log in to the Akamai Control Center using your credentials.

  2. In the left navigation pane, click CDN > Properties.

  3. From the list of properties, click the property where you want to add hostnames.

  4. On the Property Details page, click the latest version of the property.

  5. In the Property Hostnames section, click +Hostnames.

    The system displays the Add Hostnames page.

  6. In Add Hostname(s), enter the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) and click Next.

    An example of the FQDN is www.example.com.

  7. In IP Version, select IPv4 only and click Next.

  8. On the Certificates Matching All Property Hostnames tab, configure a certificate based on your requirement:

    • Standard TLS: Use this option if your website does not require PCI and HIPAA compliance.

    • Enhanced TLS: Use this option if your website needs to comply with PCI and HIPAA compliance.

  9. Click Next.

    The system displays the Edge Hostnames page. The Edge hostname is automatically generated. Acquia recommends you to edit the Edge hostname to a user-friendly value.

    To edit the Edge hostname:

    1. Click the pencil icon.

    2. To use a previous Edge hostname, click Select Existing and choose the name from the dropdown list.

    3. To use a new Edge hostname, enter the beginning part of the Edge hostname, which is usually the business name.

      For example, www.example.com.testname.net

Configuring domain validation

Domain validation is required to authenticate ownership of the domain. To configure domain validation:

  1. Click the action menu next to the new domain.

  2. Click Validate Certificate Domain.

  3. Copy the CNAME validation record provided by Akamai.

  4. Populate the CNAME and its value into your DNS provider’s control panel.

Activating the property

After the domain is verified, the SSL certificate is generated and ready for deployment. At this point, you can activate the property to deploy the SSL certificate to Akamai’s Edge servers.

To activate the property:

  1. In the left navigation pane, click CDN > Properties.

  2. From the list of properties, click the property.

  3. On the Property Details page, click the latest version of the property.

  4. On the Activate tab, click the Activate button for the environment for which you want to activate the property.

Configuring DNS and testing the hostname

After you complete the previous tasks, you must configure your DNS settings to point the hostname to Akamai’s Edge servers. This involves creating or modifying a CNAME record in your DNS provider’s control panel that maps the new hostname to your Akamai property’s URL or endpoint.

After the hostname is added, you must test it to ensure that it resolves correctly to Akamai’s Edge servers. You can use online DNS checking tools, such as nslookup, to verify the DNS resolution. Additionally, you can monitor the performance and behavior of the hostname to ensure that it is functioning as expected.


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