
Page Rules

Page Rules provide powerful configuration options in Acquia Edge, enabling subscribers to have granular control over how requests to their website behave for Edge CDN and Edge Security solutions. You can create page rules that perform actions based on a requested webpage’s URL, such as creating redirects, fine tuning caching behavior, or enabling and disabling certain Acquia Edge services.

Acquia configures a base set of page rules, depending on whether you have purchased Acquia Edge, Edge Security, or both.

How do page rules work?

As a general rule, page rules should be ordered from most specific (at the beginning of the list), to least specific (at the end). You can pause page rules, in which case they will take no action, but are still displayed in the list and can be edited. The Save as Draft option will create a page rule that is initially paused.

When using multiple page rules, Acquia Edge uses the following guidelines:

  • Only one page rule will take effect for any given visitor request.

  • Page rules are evaluated in priority from top to bottom.

A page rule will take effect on a given URL pattern, matching the following format:


The scheme and port components are both optional. If you omit the scheme, it will cover both http:// and https:// protocols. If the port isn’t specified, the page rule will match all ports.

URLs in page rules allow you to use wildcards to apply a page rule for multiple pages. For example, you could use *example.com to match both http://example.com and https://example.com.

If you want to match every page on a domain, you must use example.com/*, as example.com isn’t specific enough in this case.

If you are using a managed CNAME setup, you can match on specific hostnames or use a wildcard to match on all hostnames. For example, use * to match all custom hostnames that you have defined.

Forwarding page rules

If you are using a forwarding page rule, you can map those wildcards to variables. In the forwarding URL, specify $1, $2 to match the wildcards in the original URL (in order, from left to right).

For example, you could forward http://*.example.com/* to http://$2.example.com/$1.jpg. This rule would match http://cloud.example.com/flare, which would forward to http://flare.example.com/cloud.jpg.