Cloud Platform

Modules to use with caution on Cloud Platform

The following Drupal modules can be used on Cloud Platform, but may require additional configuration or can involve use cases which can cause issues:


For information about applications and modules that are incompatible with Cloud Platform, see Modules and applications incompatible with Cloud Platform.


Acquia Cloud Sticky SessionsUse of this module can put a burden on one of the infrastructure in the group, and might cause performance issues for users whose sessions are directed to that infrastructure. Therefore, Acquia recommends you to not use this module.
Adaptive ImageExercise some care when using this module because it may have issues storing image derivatives when caching is turned on. When this module is in use, users who visit a page directly after a cache clear will set the image size for that page and that image size is used for all visitors, regardless of what their browser is.
Advanced CSS/JS AggregationThis module may be beneficial for simpler sites. However, it can be problematic for complex sites that make extensive use of Drupal libraries where multiple aggregates are generated. If implemented at the edge layer, HTTP/2 reduces the value of aggregation.
AuthcacheThis requires an evaluation of performance issues versus application complexity. Caching pages or blocks is often a better option. This module can significantly increase the size of your page cache.
AkamaiThis module can cause issues that can break the site performance, including but not limited to Acquia recommends disabling the module, setting a global low caching time (TTL) at Akamai, and relying on Acquia Purge for the purging of Varnish objects. For more information, see Acquia Purge & cache tags invalidation.
BeanSpecifically, we recommend against the use of bean_entitycache. When combined with the Memcache module, its behavior is unpredictable, and its use can have a negative performance impact on your application.
CASCheck the Check with the CAS server to see if the user is already logged in setting. This requires session cookies to be set, preventing Varnish® from caching pages. Acquia recommends using the Bakery module or SimpleSAML as an alternative.
Contact ImporterIssue due to its reliance on Open Inviter. Create a symlink to your private files area.
Contact Storage ExportThe Contact Storage Export module fails to generate full results when executing a contact form export from a multi-server production environment. Acquia recommends using the patch described in 2996037.
CloudflareThis module can reduce Drupal’s site performance or increase the Drupal Queue sizes dramatically. In addition, it might encounter issues such as hitting the Cloudflare API rate limit. Acquia recommends disabling it, setting a global low caching time (TTL) at Cloudflare, and relying on Acquia Purge for purging of Varnish objects. For more information, see Drupal 8+ Acquia Purge & cache tags invalidation.
DBLogUsing Drupal core’s DBLog module can cause performance issues for high-traffic applications. Instead, Acquia recommends using syslog.
DB MaintenanceUsing this module improperly can potentially cause slowdowns or outages. If you believe that your application has tables that need optimizing, create a Support ticket.
DevinciThis module does not include settings for the Acquia Remote Administration environment.

When uploading files with the dropzonejs module (packaged with Drupal Starter Kits) to an application with several web infrastructure served by a single load balancer, the web infrastructure that processes the form submission may not be the web infrastructure that received the temporary file in the AJAX request. Upload files through the /media/add interface instead. Alternately, configure Drupal’s temporary files directory to use:

/mnt/gfs/{$_ENV['AH_SITE_GROUP']}. {$_ENV['AH_SITE_ENVIRONMENT']}/tmp

For more information, see Setting the temporary files directory in settings.php.

Elysia CronElysia Cron requires careful setup. Acquia Support has seen implementations of this module that call some hooks too frequently, causing performance problems significant enough to take a production application down.
Filefield SourcesUsing this module on Cloud Platform causes issues with Acquia Remote Administration services. If you are using this module, it conflicts with the Stage File proxy module, and you will not be able to see images on your RA environment.
HoneypotThis has a time-based session variable that can make pages uncacheable by Drupal or Varnish caches. If you don’t use this setting, cache should be unaffected.
HTML PurifierCreate a symlink to your private files area.
HTTPRLMay require some special configuration to use on Cloud Platform, or it can generate errors. Learn more.
Internal Page Cache

The Internal Page Cache module is enabled by default on the current Drupal version. The module is not required for Cloud Platform subscribers, as Varnish provides a more robust caching solution. Disabling this module reduces complexity and makes it easier to troubleshoot caching-related issues.


With the Internal Page Cache module disabled, you can still configure a cache time on Drupal under Configuration -> Performance, and Acquia’s Varnish will honor this cache time.

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)LDAP alone without SSO can work on Cloud Platform. SSO requires NTLM (NT LAN Manager) support, which is an Apache module that Acquia does not currently support.
Link CheckerThe Link Checker module can sometime cause timeouts when cron is run.
Node view countThis statistics module can be configured to count each node visit, which can trigger multiple database writes. This behavior can cause serious performance issues with the database—use caution when configuring this on high traffic websites.
OptimizeDBUsing this module improperly can potentially cause slowdowns or outages. If you feel your site has tables that need optimizing, create a Support ticket.
PrintIf not properly secured, this module can open up your application to being abused as a spam relay. If you use this module, be sure to configure it so that anonymous users cannot send email.
Quick TabsWhen a page loads, QuickTabs also loads content a user does not immediately see. It creates additional links, which can cause web crawlers to visit the page additional times (2-n times), and this can cause slowdowns. It also can consume extra resources when in “AJAX Mode” by potentially generating multiple simultaneous requests to the back end to fetch tab content.
RadioactivityThis module requires that memcache infrastructure be hard-coded in a separate configuration file, which directly conflicts with Acquia’s high availability services. Acquia’s platform dynamically modifies available memcache infrastructure, and hard-coded infrastructure can cause application outages.
reCAPTCHARequire session cookies to be set, preventing Varnish from caching pages.
Redirect 403 to User LoginThis may cause issues with anonymous session cookies. Disable the Access denied. You must log in to view this page. checkbox in the module settings.
Remote Stream WrapperThis module might cause issues to other modules such as older versions of the Acquia Search module. If your Drupal code does not reach certain external URLs, you must upgrade all of your code to the latest stable versions, and test whether disabling the Remote Stream Wrapper module is helpful.
Role Memory LimitThe Role Memory Limit module overrides the PHP memory limit at runtime. In certain traffic conditions, overriding the PHP memory limit might cause Drupal to consume most or all of the total system memory available to all processes on a server. This causes the underlying operating system to terminate processes to maintain system integrity, leading to random errors on your site.
Salesforce SuiteThis suite of modules supports integration with Salesforce by synchronizing Drupal entities with Salesforce objects. This module might cause slowness on sites where cron executes hooks frequently. If site performance is impacted, you must reduce the frequency of jobs related to this module.
Search 404This useful module triggers a search when a user lands on a 404 page. This is best used with Fast 404 to prevent missing files from also triggering a search.
SimpleSAMLphp AuthenticationThis module requires careful preparation. Without careful preparation, you can break your website. For more information, see Using SimpleSAMLphp with Acquia products.
Sitewide Alert  and Site Alert

With these modules, you can view alerts at the top of your Drupal sites. These alerts include information such as planned maintenance, shipping delays, and flash sales of a product.

Ensure that you configure these modules correctly. Otherwise, Views and Visits for your application might substantially increase and this can cause overages for your Cloud Platform subscription. For example, in the Sitewide Alert module, you must be cautious while using the following configuration options:

  • Automatically Update (Refresh) Alerts

  • Browser Refresh Interval (in seconds)

StatisticsUsing Drupal core’s statistics module can cause performance issues for high-traffic applications.
TCPDFCreate a symlink to your private files area.
Views Database ConnectorThis module gives Views full access to external database tables in the settings for your Drupal installation. With this module, you can pull external data from a database and display the data to your users in a view. In Cloud Next environments, the maximum number of database connections is limited. This module can exceed the limit, which might cause request failures. Threfore, Acquia recommends that you exercise caution when using this module to make database requests in Cloud Next environments.
Views Filter HarmonizerAfter caching the first page visited by an anonymous user, this module sets a session cookie to store the previously visited path (including contextual filter arguments), and prevents Varnish from caching any subsequent page visits. You can install the Session Cache API module to store the session information in a method compatible with Varnish. For more information, see the Session Cache API documentation.
Workbench ModerationThis module does not work out of the box with ApacheSolr search integration. Learn more about problems and a solution.
WURFLCreate a symlink to your private files area.
WYSIWYG CKFinderCreate a symlink to your private files area.

Additional module issues

Be aware of the following additional items as you work with Drupal modules:

  • In addition to the modules listed on this page, some modules require symlinks to work properly on Cloud Platform. For more information, see File permissions and symlinks while using Cloud Platform.
  • When you use modules that upload several files, applications with more than one web infrastructure may experience writes to different infrastructure for each uploaded file. After the upload process is complete, the module can’t locate all of the images, which causes a failure. Subscribers with a single web infrastructure for their Staging and Development environments and multiple web infrastructure for their Production environment can experience having these modules work in Staging and Development, but fail in the Production environment. Using Plupload is an option, but also review Correcting broken file uploads.
  • Cloud Platform supports the svg format in the ImageMagick module.

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