To profile the performance of Drush commands used in scheduled jobs through New Relic’s transactions:
These steps are applicable for current Drupal and current Drush. You can use these steps for earlier versions of Drupal that use Drush 9 as a minimum. However, Acquia recommends that you use the latest Drupal and Drush versions. You cannot enable profiling for Drush 9 or earlier.
To configure the New Relic PHP agent, use the newrelic.ini
file. For more information, visit New Relic PHP agent configuration. In addition, you can use the drush.ini
file associated with Drush. You can use the following New Relic configuration file variables:
Variable name | Description | Example | |
newrelic.license | Indicates the New Relic license key installed in Cloud Platform. | "a47b28d4db93f9476e3f9576352061a20452NRAL" | |
newrelic.appname | Indicates the New Relic application name that data is reported under. | "" | |
newrelic.enabled | Indicates if the New Relic agent is enabled or disabled. | true |
In your Cloud Platform infrastructure, create the file drush.ini
file in your home directory,/home/clouduser/.drush
. If this file already exists, add the content at the end of the file. Ensure that you include the quote character (") in the following value.
Content of the drush.ini
newrelic.license = "[INSERT LICENSE KEY HERE]"
newrelic.appname = "[site].[env]"
newrelic.enabled = true
For New Relic to display the specific Drush command, you must update the Drupal site’s settings.php
file. For more information, visit New Relic PHP agent API and newrelic_name_transaction.
In your codebase, add the following `code snippet to the Drupal site’s settings.php
// If this is a CLI call, set some parameters so that
// it can be logged to New Relic
if (PHP_SAPI === 'cli') {
$cli_arg = NULL;
// If we are in a drush environment, set the REQUEST_URI to the command.
try {
// Check if we have the \Drush\Drush::input() method - that is we expect to use a later Drush version
$method = new ReflectionMethod('\Drush\Drush::input');
if ( $method->isStatic() )
// Method exists!
// Retrieve the drush command and set New Relic transaction name
$cli_arg = \Drush\Drush::input()->getFirstArgument();
$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = $cli_arg;
if (extension_loaded('newrelic')) {
// Using the function newrelic_name_transaction()
// <>
if (function_exists('newrelic_name_transaction') && !empty($cli_arg)) {
$cli_arg = 'drush ' . $cli_arg;
// Define the Transaction Name for New Relic
catch ( ReflectionException $e )
// The method \Drush\Drush::input() method does not exist
// We will do nothing, so as to allow rest of script to continue
You can create a script that runs Drush commands and logs them to /shared/logs/drush-cron.log
. You can add this script to the application’s scheduled jobs or cron
jobs. You can name the script based on your application.
For example, let us assume that the script name is
. The following steps serves as an example. You must modify the steps based on your application needs.
In your codebase, create the Shell script at <code_base_root>/scripts/
. For example, <code_base_root>/scripts/
Content of script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if [[ $# -ne 2 ]]; then
echo "Script requires two parameters" >&2
echo "${0} AH_SITE_NAME SITE_DOMAIN" >&2
exit 2
# if there is a $HOME/.ssh/environment file,
# then read each line and export each variable from the file
if [[ -f "${SSH_ENVIRONMENT}" ]]; then
#export each of the variables from the file
while read line; do export $line; done < ${SSH_ENVIRONMENT}
exec > >(/usr/bin/tee -a "$logfile") 2>&1
if [ -n "${2}" ]; then
#echo "URI: ${uri}"
echo "***** Script ${0} Started: $(date --rfc-3339=seconds) *****"
echo "***** Running Drush status"
PHP_INI_SCAN_DIR=:$HOME/.drush drush --root="/var/www/html/${AH_SITE_NAME}/docroot/" --uri="${uri}" status
echo "***** Running Drush cron"
PHP_INI_SCAN_DIR=:$HOME/.drush drush --root="/var/www/html/${AH_SITE_NAME}/docroot/" --uri="${uri}" cron
echo -e "***** Script Completed: $(date --rfc-3339=seconds) *****\\n"
Ensure that the permissions of script are set to be executable.
-r-xr-xr-x. 1 myapplication 1485 Jul 26 02:15
Test the script on the Cloud Platform non-production environment. For example,
/var/www/html/ myapplicationdev <>
Confirm that the/shared/logs/drush-cron.log
file has an entry that starts with a line similar to:
***** Script /var/www/html/ Started: 2024-08-08 09:55:44+00:00 *****
After the script is ready, you can add a scheduled job to the Cloud Platform environment to run the script at regular intervals.
Run the following command by replacing myapplication
with your application details. For more information, visit Creating scheduled jobs.
/var/www/html/scripts/ myapplicationdev <>
Verify if can see the Drush commands listed on the Transaction overview in New Relic.
If this content did not answer your questions, try searching or contacting our support team for further assistance.
Thu Jan 30 2025 12:05:13 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)