Cloud Platform

Installing Acquia Search with Apache Solr


There are two module ecosystems that can be used for Solr with Drupal 7, Search API and Apache Solr Search. You must pick one of the two module ecosystems for your Acquia Search implementation.

For more information on each of these ecosystems, see Installing Acquia Search for Drupal 7.


A single site should use only one of the preceding options. Enabling modules from both options can cause problems.

Use the following instructions to install Acquia Search using the Apache Solr Search module for Drupal 7.

Step 1: Prepare your new Drupal project, environment, or code base

To prepare your Drupal project, environment, or codebase, use your preferred method to copy a remote website configuration to your development environment.

Step 2: Install the Acquia Search Drupal modules

Use the following procedure to install the Apache Solr Search Integration module ecosystem:

  1. Install the Apache Solr search module to enable the use of Acquia Search.
  2. Download and install the Acquia Connector and Acquia Search modules.
  3. Install any other required modules as prompted on your website.
  4. Authenticate the Acquia Connector module with Acquia Cloud by using your Cloud Platform credentials.
  5. On the Modules page, enable the Apache Solr search and Apache Solr framework modules.

    Ensure that you approve any additional required Acquia Search-related modules.

  6. Click Administration > Configuration > Search and metadata Apache Solr search to navigate to the Apache Solr Search module configuration page.
  7. Click the Settings tab.
  8. On the Apache Solr search settings page, in Acquia Search Solr Version, select Solr 8 and above.

    After you select the version, the system automatically configures the rest of the fields. Ensure that:

    • The Make this Solr search environment the default checkbox is selected.
    • The Description field is populated with the desired name.
    • The Index write access field is set to Read and write (normal).
  9. Click Save.


    If you see the message “Could not find a Solr index corresponding to your website and environment”, make sure that a Solr index has been created or an index override has been specified.

  10. Click Administration > Configuration > Search and metadata > Apache Solr search to navigate to the Apache Solr Search module configuration page.
  11. Click Index next to your new index.
  12. Click Index all queued content.

    The Index all queued content button forces the indexing process to begin. The content of your Solr index is populated and maintained by Drupal’s cron process. Depending on the amount of content on your website, the initial indexing process takes some time to complete.

    You can set the indexing rate for your website content during each cron run on the Apache Solr search > Default Index tab in Actions.

    To determine the condition of the index, go to the Apache Solr Search > Default Index tab in the Search Index Content section.


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