The Job Detail page for Pipelines provides detailed information about jobs that are either currently processing or have already completed their execution.
Viewing job output
To view detailed information about your Cloud Platform Pipelines jobs in Cloud Platform, from your application click Pipelines from its left menu, and then scroll down the page to the Activity table in the Jobs section.
To view information about a specific job, in the Activity table, click the name of the job you want to view.
For information on how to view a list of all recent jobs, see Viewing Pipelines job history.
Understanding the job summary table
The job summary table provides an overview of the settings for a job, and includes the following information:
Destination environment: The Cloud Platform environment to which this job will deploy code.
Job Duration: The duration for which this job ran.
Started at: The date and time when the job started.
Job Trigger: The event that triggered this job. Possible triggers include the following:
Branch commit: A new commit was made to the repository.
Pull request: A pull request was submitted or updated
Branch: The Git branch used to run this job.
Requested by: The user who initiated this job.
Reading job logs
The Logs section on your job’s detail page provides the full output of all of the logging that relates to your job. To increase legibility, only the title of each step is displayed by default. Click the title of a step to reveal all logs for that step.
When you expand a job, Cloud Platform displays additional details, as in this example of the full Finalization step:
+ echo "Exiting step composer."
Killing background jobs
Changes will be pushed to pipelines-build-2 [[email protected]:example.git]
Your deployment branch is: demobranch
To [email protected]:example.git
000000..322ca6a pipelines-build-2 -> pipelines-build-2
Successfully completed.
If you have questions about any error messages displayed in your job logs, contact Acquia Support.
Rerunning a job
After you have encountered and corrected an error that caused a job to fail, use the following these steps to run the job a second time:
Find and click the job that you want to run again in the Activity table.
Click the Rerun Job icon.
Click Yes.