Cloud Platform

Cloud Actions FAQs


Do Cloud Actions support multisite applications?

No. Cloud Actions are only available for single sites using the default folder.

Can I add custom Cloud Actions?

No. Customers may select the Cloud Actions to run on default or run per environment but cannot add custom Cloud Actions.

Cloud Actions offer common DevOps tasks that represent known best practice and may not meet the needs for every type of code deployment. If it does not meet your needs, we recommend disabling Cloud Actions to not interfere with more complex deployment workflows. For information about how to disable Cloud Actions, see Disabling Cloud Actions.

Cloud Actions are in addition to Cloud Hooks, in which customers have greater control to customize deployment actions through code-based methods.

Can I change the order of Cloud Actions?


Are Cloud Actions available on environments other than Cloud Next, such as ACP and ACE?


How do I know if a Cloud Action is running, completed, or failed to run?

The details of the Cloud Actions tasks are displayed in the Cloud Platform task log.

I do not see Cloud Actions when I initiate deployment. Why?

Cloud Actions must be enabled in the Environment Configuration settings to be selectable during deployment.

If you do not see Cloud Actions under your environment configuration, it is because Cloud Actions are only available on Cloud Next.

Does the Cloud Actions feature work with all Drupal versions?

This feature is optimized for the current Drupal version. However, this feature does not work with Drupal 7.

Does the Cloud Actions feature work with Drush?

Yes. Cloud Actions are compatible with all supported versions of Drush. However, if a Customer vendors Drush in their application, the Customer must ensure that their Drush is up to date and matches versioning requirements with Drupal.

What version of PHP is running when Cloud Actions are executed?

Cloud Actions support PHP 7.4, PHP 8.1 and later. Cloud Actions do not support PHP 8.0. You can configure the PHP version in your Cloud Platform environment where Cloud Actions are executed.

Are Cloud Actions available for Site Factory?

No. Cloud Actions are available only for Cloud Next.

Can I run Cloud Actions on my local machine?

No, Cloud Actions are available only on Cloud Platform environments.

Can I configure Cloud Actions for a Continuous Delivery Environment (CDE)?

No, Cloud Actions are currently not supported for CDEs.

Can I skip Cloud Actions when triggering a code deployment through Cloud Platform API?

Yes. Include an empty array for the cloud_actions parameter when sending a request to the Deploy code endpoint. You can also use Acquia CLI to do this:

acli api:environments:code-deploy myapp.test --cloud-actions=""

Can I override the default Cloud Actions when triggering a code deployment through Cloud API?

Yes, use the cloud_actions parameter with one or more Cloud Action IDs when sending a request to the Deploy code endpoint. You can also use Acquia CLI to do this:

acli api:environments:code-deploy myapp.test --cloud-actions="[ID1, ID2]""

To get a list of all Cloud Actions and their IDs, run:

acli api:environments:cloud-actions-find []

Can I set default Cloud Actions for an environment through Cloud Platform API?

Yes. For more information, see Cloud API documentation on

Do Cloud Actions work with Cloud Hooks?

Cloud Hooks, including custom hooks, typically execute after pre-deployment and before post-deployment Cloud Actions.

Do Cloud Actions trigger whenever the customer deploys a new commit on an existing branch?

No, Cloud Actions do not execute when the deployment occurs as a result of a commit update to a branch that is already deployed to a particular environment. The commit triggers an automatic deployment to the environment but that deployment does not trigger Cloud Actions.

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