Cloud Platform

Using Elastic IP addresses


Currently, this feature is not supported in applications running on Cloud Next technologies. For environments running on Cloud Next technologies, use Web EIPs.

For Cloud Platform Enterprise, Site Factory and Cloud Platform Professional subscribers, Acquia can provision an Elastic IP address (EIP) on the Cloud Classic application’s Drupal infrastructure when:

  • The application must communicate to a remote service
  • The service requires all sources of inbound connections to be allowlisted

Without EIPs, the IP addresses associated with Acquia’s application infrastructure are subject to change at any time. Typically, EIPs are only required when you must integrate your application with a remote single sign-on (SSO) solution, or a third-party service requiring allowlisted static IP addresses.

Application EIPs persist when the Cloud Platform infrastructure undergoes certain types of maintenance, but will be lost if dedicated infrastructure is removed.


Application layer EIPs can impact your infrastructure’s ability to scale during periods of high traffic or elevated resource consumption. Although Acquia can efficiently provision more infrastructure capacity for your application in response to demand, Acquia can’t activate the extra capacity until the new EIPs associated with it can be added to your allowlist or other system.

To request an EIP, contact your account manager with a specific reason.

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