The following table lists the Platform Email configuration tasks and their prerequisites:
Step | Task | Prerequisites |
1 | Configuring a domain | Ensure that you have one of the following roles:
2 | Associating a domain to an application | Ensure that you have one of the following user roles:
3 | Configuring the email address for sending emails | An operational Drupal website hosted on Cloud Platform. |
Methods for configuring Platform Email
The following are the methods for configuring Platform Email
- Configuring Platform Email through the Cloud Platform user interface
- Configuring Platform Email through Acquia CLI
Configuring Platform Email through the Cloud Platform user interface
Configuring a domain
To configure and verify an email sending domain:
- Sign in to the Cloud Platform user interface and select the application for which you want to configure the domain.
- In the navigation pane, click Email.
- On the Platform Email page, on the Domain Verification tab, click ADD DOMAIN.
In the Add domain dialog box, in the Domain to add field, enter the domain name that you want to configure, and click ADD DOMAIN.
The Platform Email page displays the following message:
The domain has been registered.
In the Email domain verification list, verify that the new domain shows the Verification pending status.
Click the expand arrow for the domain to view the type, status, and value of the DNS records.
The list of DNS records includes:
- DKIM: Three entries of type CNAME
- TXT: Two entries of type TXT
- SPF: One entry of type TXT and one entry of type MX
At this step, the status of the entries is Verification pending. For more information on the DNS records, see Adding DNS records for Platform Email.
From the VALUE column of the list, copy all strings and add them to your DNS provider.
For an MX record, a string consists of MX Priority and MX Value as shown in the following example:
For an MX record, when you add a string to your DNS provider, ensure that you add MX Priority and MX Value based on the syntax of your DNS provider. For example, if your DNS provider has separate fields for priority and value, then add them separately. For information on how to add the MX records for different DNS providers, see Amazon SES documentation.
Wait until the DNS records are verified.
Verification of the DNS records may take up to 72 hours.
On the Domain Verification tab, verify the status of the domain and do one of the following:
If the status is OK, associate the domain to the application.
- If the status is not OK, see Troubleshooting Platform Email.
After configuring a domain for an application, you can associate the domain to any applications within your subscription.
Associating a domain to an application
To associate an email sending domain to an application:
- Sign in to the Cloud Platform user interface and select the application for which you configured the domain.
- In the navigation pane, click Email.
- On the Platform Email page, select the Domain Association tab.
- In the row for your domain, click Associate.
In the Associate domain dialog box, click ASSOCIATE DOMAIN.
On the Domain Association tab, the state of the domain changes to Associated.
Configuring the email address for sending emails
To configure the email address to be used for sending emails:
- Log on to your Drupal website.
Select Configuration > Basic site settings > Site Details.
In the SITE DETAILS area, in the Email address field, enter the email address that must appear as the From address in the outgoing emails.
- Click Save configuration.
Configuring Platform Email through Acquia CLI
You can leverage Acquia CLI to get onboarded with Platform Email. Acquia recommends that you use this method to configure Platform Email for a large number of cloud applications.
- As a logged-in user, you must authenticate against your Cloud Platform account. For more information, see Authenticating with Cloud Platform API.
- You must know:
- The domain name that you want to register for Platform Email.
- The subscription where you want to register the domain name.
- The applications where you want to associate the domain.
- The environments in the associated applications where you want to enable Platform Email.
To configure Platform Email through Acquia CLI:
- Access Acquia CLI.
Run the following command to start the configuration process:
acli email:configure
The system displays the following output:
In What’s the domain name you’d like to register, enter the name of your domain for which you want to enable Platform Email.
For example,
- Press Enter.
In Please select a Cloud Platform subscription, enter the subscription ID associated with the subscription where you want to register the domain. The system displays all the subscriptions that are available for the logged-in user account.
The system displays the following output:
- Press Enter.
In Would you like your DNS records in JSON or YAML format, enter the ID associated with either JSON or YAML based on the format in which you want to view the DNS records.
Based on your input, the system saves a text file in the directory where you run the Acquia CLI-based utility.
A sample JSON text file:
A sample YAML text file:
- Press Enter.
In Have you finished providing the DNS records to your DNS provider, type yes or no.
A sample output if your domain is already verified:
If your domain is not yet verified, the system displays a pending notification. If your domain verification process fails, the system displays an error message and prompts the user to restart the verification process after checking the generated DNS record list with the records given to the DNS provider.
- Press Enter.
In What are the environments of <subscription_name> that you’d like email for?, enter the IDs specific to the environments for which you want to enable Platform Email.
If your domain is associated with multiple applications, the system displays prompts for environments to be enabled for each of those applications. To enable Platform Email in multiple environments, you can enter comma-separated IDs.
Platform Email is enabled for each of the specified environments.
Adding DNS records for Platform Email
You must add DNS records in Platform Email. Platform Email supports the following types of DNS records:
SPF/MX records:
Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is an email validation standard that is designed to prevent email spoofing. Domain owners use SPF to inform email providers about the servers that can send emails from their domains. To publish an SPF record, you must add a new TXT record to the DNS configuration for your domain. The procedures for updating DNS records vary depending on the DNS or web hosting provider you use.
A mail exchanger record (MX record) is a configuration that specifies which mail servers can accept the email that is sent to your domain. To add an MX record, you must modify the DNS records for your domain. If you cannot access or modify the DNS records for your domain, contact your system administrator. For more information on MX records, see Why do I need an MX record for sending an email?
DKIM records:
DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) standard allows senders to sign their email messages with a cryptographic key. Email providers use these signatures to verify that the messages weren’t modified by a third party while in transit. For more information, see Authenticating Email with DKIM in Amazon SES.
Amazon SES requires you to add three DKIM records to enable Easy DKIM. When you set up Easy DKIM for an identity, Amazon SES automatically adds a 1024-bit DKIM key to every email that you send from that identity. These three records are part of the DKIM setup so that SES can rotate DKIM keys periodically. For more information, see Managing Easy DKIM and Easy DKIM in Amazon SES.
TXT records:
TXT records contain text information for sources outside your domain. You add these records to your domain settings. Acquia uses them to verify domain ownership and to ensure email security. For more information, see Amazon SES domain verification TXT records.
Configuring modules for Platform Email
Configuring the mailsystem module
Platform Email is compatible with the Default PHP mailer module of Drupal.
If you have installed any custom module such as the mailsystem module, you must use Default PHP mailer as a sender.
To verify that you are using the Default PHP mailer module as sender:
- Access your Drupal site.
Select Configuration > Mail System.
Verify that the Sender field is set to Default PHP mailer.
(Optional) For HTML support, set the Formatter field to Default PHP mailer.