Cloud Platform

Using New Relic monitoring in a multisite environment

New Relic is a website performance monitoring service that can enable you to determine where bottlenecks exist in your Cloud Platform application. After sufficient traffic is requested from that environment, New Relic will begin to analyze the available data.

If you have a multisite configuration, you can also have New Relic report data on a per-website basis, which requires that each website have its own unique New Relic App name. (New Relic’s PHP API contains a call for setting your app name.) This data is available only for the environment as a whole, and you view it by selecting the appropriate sitename.env option from the list of available applications (for example,


Custom application names that define individual websites are initialized later in the Drupal bootstrap process, so New Relic cannot report on Drupal modules, views, and hooks on a per-domain basis when this method is used.


For each Drupal website that you want to monitor with New Relic, complete the following steps, depending on if you are using Cloud Platform or Site Factory:

Cloud Platform

Add the following code to the end of the website’s settings.php file:

if (extension_loaded('newrelic')) {
  $exploded_path = explode('/', dirname(__FILE__));
  $site_domain = array_pop($exploded_path);
  newrelic_set_appname("$site_domain;CURRENT_APP_NAME", '', 'true');

Site Factory

For a post-settings.php hook script to use with your websites, see Altering values in settings.php with hooks.

Code variable descriptions

The $site_domain variable is assigned the name of the folder for this particular settings.php file. This appears in your list of applications on New Relic’s website. To find this list, go to New Relic.

The newrelic_set_appname() function uses the following three parameters:

  • APP_NAME(s) - New Relic allows each trace to be reported to up to three app names, but only one is necessary. Multiple app names make it possible to have New Relic both monitor the individual websites, but still keep monitoring the multisite as a whole to get an overview of how the entire application is performing.
    In the preceding code, replace CURRENT_APP_NAME with whatever the New Relic App name currently is. You can find this in New Relic under Settings > Environment > Agent initialization. Look for newrelic.appname. It needs to be exactly the same, or New Relic will create a new application and the trace history will be broken.
    The app name displayed in New Relic can be different from the actual New Relic app name, since it is possible to manually change the displayed name in the New Relic interface.

    It is important that the website-specific app name comes before the catch-all, because the first app name is the unique identifier. For more information, see New Relic’s documentation on the topic.

  • The New Relic subscription key - Leave this value blank to use the global key.
  • The xmit identifier - If set to true, New Relic will keep the trace collected so far. This has a slight performance impact.

For additional documentation regarding New Relic, see their documentation website.

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