Content Hub

Discovering content in Content Hub 1.x


After you install and configure Acquia Content Hub for your websites and content sharing is enabled, you can use Acquia Content Hub to discover content to add to your website.

To discover your websites’ shared content, in your website’s admin menu go to Content > Acquia Content Hub (/admin/content/acquia-contenthub or http://[site_URL]/admin/content/content-hub).


Acquia Content Hub will only synchronize entities saved after Acquia Content Hub was enabled. After synchronization of an entity type is enabled in the configuration settings, Acquia Content Hub will react to saved changes for entities of that type.

Filtering content

By default, the Acquia Content Hub tab displays all content entities uploaded by all members of your content network in Acquia Content Hub, in chronological order from newest to oldest. You can use filters to limit which items display, helping you discover the items in which you are most interested. Filters group by AND, meaning items matching all conditions will display.

To create a filter, select one or more of the following filter criteria:

  • Keyword: Acquia Content Hub searches with this string against each field in each shared entity.
  • Date: You can filter by a start date (content created on or after that date), an end date (content created on or before that date), or both.
  • Source: One or more members of your content network. Content from those sources displays in the results.
  • Tags: Filter by one or more tags on your content.
  • Type: Filter by one or more content types.
  • Bundle: Filter by one or more bundles from entities, vocabularies, and blocks. For information about bundles, see Bundles on

Acquia Content Hub displays all the available content entities matching the filter facets.

You may also sort the available content by selecting an option from the Sort by menu:

  • Newest
  • Oldest
  • Relevance

Saving filters and publish settings

Click Save Filter to save a filter to use later. When you save a filter, you can enter a name to help you identify it. You can select a saved filter in the left panel.

When you use a saved filter, you can configure its publish settings. Select one of the following:

  • None: The service doesn’t import or publish entities. To publish an entity, visit the filter page from time to time when you need content and pick individual entities to publish.
  • Auto Import: Every entity matching the filter is imported to your website, but left in unpublished state. You can review each entity and decide whether to publish it or not.
  • Auto Publish: Every entity matching the filter is imported to your website and immediately published.

Managing your saved filters

After you save a filter, you can update or delete it at a later time. To update or delete a filter, see Managing filters.

Importing content

Each content item displayed on the Content > Content Hub tab can import to your website. Select the content items you want, then click Import. Items you have already imported display in the filter list and marked as Imported to site.

If there is no content to import, the website will display a No content is available for import. message.

If there is more than one page of available content, a pager will display at the bottom of the page.

Imported items will sometimes bring all dependent items with them during the import process. This includes images and files. If items aren’t imported, they will include a reference to the original.

Imported content will display the following data, when available:

  • Content title or name
  • Short description
  • Publish date
  • Source website
  • Languages available
  • A Read only indicator, if the content is read-only

Next, a collapsed fieldset named View Entity Info displays. Click the link to see this information:

  • Bundle Type
  • Source Name
  • Source UUID
  • Entity Type
  • Entity UUID
  • Tag IDs
  • Tags Names

When using the Workbench Moderation module, some content may not be available for import. If your content type is defined using Workbench Moderation, and defaults to the Draft state, you may not always see all the content you expect. If you are importing content onto a website using Workbench Moderation, and that website uses the Draft state by default, you must process the imported content.

For information about using canonical URLs to improve your websites’ SEO (search engine optimization), see SEO and social publishing metadata with Content Hub 1.x.

Updating content

Acquia Content Hub can help you keep content synchronized, ensuring content entities updated on the original publisher are available to all subscribing websites.

Automatic updates property

When Acquia Content Hub imports a content entity, the entity includes an Enable Automatic Updates setting. By default, the setting’s check box is selected, which means updates to the content by the original publisher push to the consuming website.

If you disable automatic updates for a content entity, Acquia Content Hub won’t push updates to your website from the original publisher.

Content updates depend on several settings in addition to the automatic updates property:

  • Does the content type have revisions enabled?
  • Is the content entity marked as published on the consuming website?
Revisions?Published?When content updates on the publisher…
𐄂The content is immediately updated on the consuming website.
𐄂𐄂The content is immediately updated on the consuming website and remains not published.
The updated content is immediately published as a new revision on the consuming website and the prior version saves as an old revision.
𐄂The updated content is a new unpublished revision on the consuming website and the prior version saves as an old revision.

Re-enabling updates

If you disable automatic updates for an entity, the entity will stop receiving changes from the upstream content. Automatic updates can be re-enabled at any time. If the Diff module is enabled on your website, when automatic updates are re-enabled you have the option to review or discard the upstream changes before saving the automatic updates.

Deleting content

If a content entity is deleted by the publishing website, by default, that action has no effect on the entity on the consuming website. Only changes to the existing text (and not the removal of the entity) will result in updates to the consuming website. Although the originating website sends a webhook to inform subscribers the content was removed, the content will remain on the subscriber websites unless you use a custom module to delete the content.

After a content entity imports to your subscriber, it has the same status as any other content entity of the same entity type on your website. You can change it, publish or unpublish it, or delete it. Actions you take on the content entity have no effect on the item on the source website, or on any other member of your content network which may have already imported the content entity or might import it in the future.

If no local changes have been made to an imported entity on a subscribing website, the imported entity updates when the original publisher website pushes a new version of the content. If the imported entity has local changes, a content update made on the original publisher website won’t update the imported entity unless the Enable Automatic Updates checkbox is selected.

Developers can write applications to watch for delete requests. The watchdog log tracks the webhook notifications. For example:

Webhook landing: @"uuid":"47c937d3-1504-46e6-6b68-a654620a279c",


Acquia Content Hub has different retry settings based on whether connections are active–where publishers and subscribers are both working, or inactive–where one end of the connection is down.

Active connections

Active connections use a frequent retry strategy. Messages which fail to deliver to an active connection resubmit to the queue for delivery.

Publisher or subscriber outages

If a publisher or subscriber website is down during synchronization, Acquia Content Hub will retry over time to complete the process. It uses a backoff strategy like what is described by Amazon.

Acquia Content Hub will continue to retry sending content at the following predefined intervals:

  • Initial try (0:00)
  • One minute after the initial try (0:01)
  • 15 minutes after the previous try (0:16)
  • One hour after the previous try (1:16)
  • Four hours after the previous try (5:16)
  • 12 hours after the previous try (17:16)

If the webhook can’t be delivered (a HTTP 200 response from Drupal), Acquia Content Hub will deregister the webhook of your website after 48 hours.

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