Content Hub

Workbench Moderation integration in Content Hub 1.x

  • This page applies to Content Hub 1.x for Drupal 7 only.
  • Content Hub 1.x will reach end-of-life on September 30, 2024. Acquia recommends you to upgrade to Content Hub 3.x. For more information, see Upgrading from Content Hub 1.x to 3.x.

Acquia Content Hub integrates with the Workbench Moderation module, enabling users to publish content to the hub in various moderation states.

Basic configuration

After you install and enable the Workbench Moderation module on your website, a new Workbench moderation settings tab is available to Acquia Content Hub users. To configure the settings, complete the following steps:

  1. As an administrator, go to Configuration > Content Hub connector > Workbench moderation settings.
  2. Select one or more checkboxes for Publishable moderation states.

  3. Click Submit.

When new content is created, and the Moderation state matches a state that can be posted to the hub, the content will be sent. This content isn’t available to external Drupal users until its moderation state is Published.

You can create more states for Workbench moderation under Configuration > Workbench Moderation. See the module documentation.

When you create a new moderation state, you must configure Acquia Content Hub to use that state before content using that state will be published to the hub.

More options

Workbench moderation and Acquia Content Hub can interact in several ways, depending on how Workbench Moderation is configured. When content is initially imported, it is either in the Unpublished or Draft state. The default state is set by content type on the publishing website. Content always exports to the subscribing websites in the default state, even if the content itself is published on the origin.

When using Workbench Moderation with Acquia Content Hub, content can behave in the following manners on the subscribing website:

  • Automatic updates: A new, draft revision is created of the content if there is no published version, even if the subscriber’s current content is in a different state. For example, if revision 1 is in Needs review, revision 2 is created in the default state.
  • Published revisions: When a subscriber edits, you are editing the latest revision. The publishing website can send a new revision, which also goes into draft. Updates from the origin don’t affect the published revision; the updates will be in default state. Users must make the changes to publish the new revision. Without Workbench Moderation, the revisions publish and overwrite the current content.
  • Changing information on the subscriber: Content edited on the subscriber website will be de-linked from the Hub and won’t receive further updates from the origin website. Content will go from the origin to the Hub, but not to subscribers. To continue receiving updates and enable subscriber websites to both edit and receive new versions, on the content’s Edit page, select the Allow the content to be overwritten checkbox.
  • Filters: Filters can contain actions. Workbench states will always take precedence, regardless of your filter’s settings. Depending on your configuration, your content can end up in one of the following states on the subscribing application:
Revision or actionResult
No published revisionA new revision in the default state
A published revision

Unchanged published revision, with a new revision in the default state and:

  • On local change: content is de-linked and no longer receives updates
  • On re-sync: the latest revision imports in the default state and receives updates
Content is set to always importInitial import in the default state
Content is set to always publishWorkbench state takes precedence, application keeps the published revision and receives a new revision in the default state


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