Content Hub

Publisher’s Dashboard

This page applies to Content Hub 3.x.

Publisher’s Dashboard is a new fully-featured user interface for content syndication. It provides many useful widgets and dashboards that help you to:

  • Provide insights into the syndication process

  • Review the current status of syndicated entities

  • Confirm site health information

  • Grant access to Content Hub Service logs

Getting ready to use Publisher’s Dashboard

  1. Install the latest version of Content Hub in your Drupal application’s composer.json.

  2. Clear the Drupal cache.

  3. Enable acquia_contenthub_dashboard on the publisher or subscriber site.

    The publisher site has access to all the features whereas the subscriber site has access only to the Content page on Publisher’s Dashboard.

  4. Configure relevant roles and permissions to use Publisher’s Dashboard.

    The system displays a new menu item named Acquia ContentHub Dashboard in the top menu, leading you to Publisher’s Dashboard.

Components of Publisher’s Dashboard

Publisher’s Dashboard includes the following components:


This user interface provides information about syndication metrics, site health, average response times, and logs.

Syndication widgets

These widgets display the number of entities being processed for each site. For example, the following is the syndication metrics for three sites connected to Content Hub:

  • 200 entities exported successfully from the publisher site, pub 1

  • 125 entities imported on the subscriber site, sub1

  • 70 entities imported on the subscriber site, sub2

The widget on the right displays the aggregated count for all the entities in different statuses for this fleet.

Site Health widget

This widget displays all the sites that are connected to a particular Content Hub subscription account. For example, the following is the health status of four sites connected to Content Hub:

  • Three sites are online and healthy

  • One site is registered but not in use

You can hover over any of the sites to view the Content Hub module version and Drupal version installed on the site, and check if they are outdated.

Average Response Time widget

This widget displays the average time elapsed for all the APIs in the Content Hub service for a given period.

Average Syndication Time widget

This widget displays the average time elapsed between the start of syndication of a set of entities to their addition into the subscriber sites for a given period.

Recent Activity widget

This widget displays the recent seven event logs in the centralized logs repository to provide information about the activities occurring in the Content Hub service.

Content page

This page displays the content exported from the publisher site to Content Hub. It also provides options to filter and import the content. By default, this page displays the content in List View. However, you can also view the content in Card View by clicking the Card View icon in the top right of the page.

Filter content

The Content page provides options to dynamically filter the content, save cloud filters, assign webhooks to cloud filters, and manage saved filters.

Filtering and sorting the content

  • To filter the content, use any of the following filters based on your requirement:

    • To filter the content by entity type, click TYPE.

    • To filter the content by bundle, click BUNDLE.

    • To filter the content by publisher site’s source, click SOURCE.

      By default, the current publisher site is preselected.

    • To filter the content by last updated date, click LAST UPDATED.

  • To sort the content by title, type the content title in the text search box.

Saving the current filter criteria to a cloud filter

  1. Filter the content by using filters.

  2. Click the Save icon.

  3. Click Save As New Filter.

  4. In the Save Filter As dialog box:

    1. In Name, enter a name for the filter.

    2. (Optional) To assign webhooks to the filter for automatic syndication, select the Enable Automatic Syndication checkbox and select one or more webhooks in Assign to Site(s).

      Next time, an entity matching this filter criteria will automatically be added to the import queue of the selected sites.

    3. Click Save Filter.

Viewing and editing a saved filter

  1. Click the Saved Filters drop-down menu.

  2. Click any of the saved filters.

    The system displays the content according to the filter criteria.

  3. Edit the filter based on your requirement:

    • To change the filter criteria, add or remove any filters.

    • To edit the site assignment for the filter, click Edit Site Assignment and make the required changes in Assign to Site(s).

    • To delete the filter, click the Delete icon.

Filtering the content based on tags

Similar to Discovery Interface, Publisher’s Dashboard also provides an option to filter the content based on tags or taxonomy terms associated with a particular piece of content.

  1. Click the Filter button next to the text search box.

    The system displays the tags filter widget.

  2. Select one or more tags from the predefined list.

    Alternatively, you can use the search box to search any tag exported to Content Hub.

  3. Click Apply.

    The system filters the content based on the selected tags.

  4. Save the current filter criteria to a cloud filter for future use or automatic syndication.

Import content

The Content page also provides an option to manually import the content to the subscriber sites.

Importing the content

  1. Select the checkbox for one or more entities that you want to import.

  2. Click Import to Site.

    The system displays the Import Content to Sites dialog box.

  3. In Import to Site(s), select the currently available subscriber site webhooks.

  4. Click Import.

Connected Sites page

This page displays the following information about each site connected to Content Hub:

  • Source URL of the site

  • Content Hub module version installed on the site

  • Drupal version installed on the site

  • Whether the site has a valid SSL certificate

  • The last time the site connected to Content Hub

Similar to the Content page, this page also provides options to:

  • Sort and filter the sites

  • Search a site with its source url

  • Change from List View to Card View

Logs page

This page displays the logs of activities occurring in the Content Hub service for this subscription. This centralized log service creates logs for any activities such as:

  • Creation of filters

  • Export of entities from the publisher site

  • Import of entities into subscriber sites

  • Indexing of entities

  • Creation or deletion of webhooks

These logs help to easily access the activity and troubleshoot any errors. This page shows the logs from the last 30 days. You can sort and filter logs by type, description, severity, and date/time. This page acts as a self-service tool to find information about errors that arise in your Content Hub subscription.

Syndication details

Syndication details show the syndication status of entities for all connected sites. With this, users can confidently monitor the effectiveness and state of syndication in real time, pulling information directly from the Content Hub service.

Each modal includes the following information:

  • Lists of all websites that have exported or imported an entity.

  • Site that exported the entity is highlighted in bold. The reason for import always shows “Entity owner” for the exporting site.

  • Filter that triggered the content to be imported or a note that it was manually imported.

  • Current syndication status.

  • Last exported/imported date.

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