Content Hub

Syndicating content with Content Hub


Content Hub 2.x will reach end-of-life on December 31, 2024. Acquia recommends that you update your Content Hub version to Content Hub 3.x by using the composer require instructions available on the acquia_contenthub project page.

Syndication allows you to leverage content created on one site to other sites in your fleet. The creating site is referred to as publisher and sites receiving content from the publisher are referred to as subscribers. You need to have at least one publisher and one subscriber to be able to syndicate content. You can use one publisher and many subscribers, many publishers to one subscriber, or a many to many approach.


In case you need a website to act as both a publisher and subscriber, Content Hub associates the publisher of specific content to act as the owner of that content. A subscriber cannot act as the publisher of content it does not own.

To begin syndicating content:

  1. Sign in to a publishing website as an administrator.
  2. Go to Configuration > Web Services > Acquia ContentHub > Export.
  3. If you have queued content, this will display the number of items enqueued for export to the Content Hub service.
  4. For testing purposes, click Export Items. When using Acquia Content Hub in production, use a scheduled job to run exports. When the export is complete, the Number of items in the export queue displays 0.
  5. Go to the subscribing website, and select Content. The selected nodes from the publisher display in the content list.

The imported nodes may be different content types, depending on your publishing website. Content Hub syndicates entities and configuration, which means that you do not have to set up a single content type as the module creates them for you.

Syndicating deleted entities

Syndication is based on the following cases:

  • Filters: If the filter produces a match for the entity.
  • Interest list: If the entity is on the subscriber’s interest list (already imported) and is tracked by the site (can be found in the acquia_contenthub_subscriber_import_tracking table).

In Content Hub 2.x and 3.x, creation of a custom module is no longer necessary to remove the entities automatically.

Entity deletion is usually a part of a normal syndication process. After an entity is deleted from a publisher, the event is followed by a DELETE request to Content Hub, and a notification of this change is sent to all interested subscribers.


The same rules apply during a manual deletion when completed with the drush acquia:contenthub-delete UUID command.

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