The data warehouse uses the Touch field layout to describe a series of contiguous events (such as content views) with a duration between events of no more than 30 minutes. Each touch has a Person record as its parent.
Field name | Data type | Sortable | Description |
browser | VARCHAR (50) | 𐄂 | Browser used for this touch |
channel_type | VARCHAR (100) | 𐄂 | Source for this touch (for example, Web or Call Center ) |
city | VARCHAR (50) | 𐄂 | City for this touch, based on IP-to-location lookup |
country | VARCHAR (50) | 𐄂 | Country for this touch, based on IP-to-location lookup (list of country codes) |
customer_site_id | INT (4 bytes) | ✓ | Customer site row reference, indicating which website sent the capture |
db_last_modified_date | TIMESTAMP | 𐄂 | The UTC time and date when the row was last modified in the database |
dma_code | INT (4 bytes) | 𐄂 | Designated market area code for this touch (also known as a metro code) (searchable list of DMA codes) |
engagement_score | INT (4 bytes) | 𐄂 | Numeric representation (calculated by customer-specific rules) of how this touch describes a person’s engagement with the brand |
id | INT (4 bytes) | ✓ | Unique touch ID: Personalization internal value |
identifier | VARCHAR (22) | ✓ | Touch session identifier |
java_enabled | BOOLEAN | 𐄂 | Indicates whether the browser has Java enabled or not |
last_modified_date | TIMESTAMP | 𐄂 | Time and date the row was last modified |
latitude | VARCHAR (50) | 𐄂 | Latitude for this touch, based on IP-to-location lookup |
longitude | VARCHAR (50) | 𐄂 | Latitude for this touch, based on IP-to-location lookup |
number_of_page_views | INT (4 bytes) | 𐄂 | Number of Page Views |
operating_system | VARCHAR (50) | 𐄂 | Operating system (OS) used for this touch |
person_id | INT (4 bytes) | ✓ | Points to the associated person’s person_id for this touch |
person_identifier_id | INT (8 bytes) | 𐄂 | Internal Personalization ID for the person_identifier that was triggered by this touch |
platform | VARCHAR (50) | 𐄂 | Platform used for this touch |
postal_code | VARCHAR (20) | 𐄂 | Postal code for this touch, based on IP-to-location lookup |
referrer | VARCHAR (4000) | 𐄂 | Referrer URL |
referrer_domain | VARCHAR (200) | 𐄂 | Referrer base domain |
region | VARCHAR (50) | 𐄂 | State/Province for this touch, based on IP-to-location lookup (list of region codes) |
search_engine | VARCHAR (100) | 𐄂 | Search engine used with this touch (for example, Google ) |
search_terms | VARCHAR (1000) | 𐄂 | Search terms used with this touch (for example, rent pig roaster ) |
touch_date | TIMESTAMP | ✓ | Touch start-date/time |
touch_duration | INT (4 bytes) | 𐄂 | Touch duration in minutes |
touch_duration_in_seconds | INT (4 bytes) | 𐄂 | Touch duration in seconds |
url | VARCHAR (4000) | 𐄂 | Landing URL |
url_domain | VARCHAR (200) | 𐄂 | Landing base domain |
user_agent_string | VARCHAR (2000) | 𐄂 | Browser’s agent string for this touch |
utm_content | VARCHAR (2000) | 𐄂 | Campaign content for paid search, email, or other inbound marketing campaigns—associated with utm_content UTM parameter |
utm_medium | VARCHAR (2000) | 𐄂 | Campaign medium (for example, email)—associated with utm_medium UTM parameter |
utm_name | VARCHAR (2000) | 𐄂 | Campaign name for paid search, email, or other inbound marketing campaigns—associated with utm_campaign UTM parameter |
utm_referrer | VARCHAR (2000) | 𐄂 | Campaign referrer (for example, Newsletters)—associated with utm_source UTM parameter |
utm_terms | VARCHAR (2000) | 𐄂 | Campaign name for paid search, email, or other inbound marketing campaigns—associated with utm_term UTM parameter |
visitor_ip | VARCHAR (45) | 𐄂 | IP address for this touch |
custom_field_1 | VARCHAR (1000) | 𐄂 | User-defined field |
custom_field_2 | VARCHAR (1000) | 𐄂 | User-defined field |
custom_field_3 | VARCHAR (1000) | 𐄂 | User-defined field |
custom_field_4 | VARCHAR (1000) | 𐄂 | User-defined field |
custom_field_5 | VARCHAR (1000) | 𐄂 | User-defined field |
custom_field_6 | VARCHAR (1000) | 𐄂 | User-defined field |
custom_field_7 | VARCHAR (1000) | 𐄂 | User-defined field |
custom_field_8 | VARCHAR (1000) | 𐄂 | User-defined field |
custom_field_9 | VARCHAR (1000) | 𐄂 | User-defined field |
custom_field_10 | VARCHAR (1000) | 𐄂 | User-defined field |
custom_field_11 | VARCHAR (1000) | 𐄂 | User-defined field |
custom_field_12 | VARCHAR (1000) | 𐄂 | User-defined field |
custom_field_13 | VARCHAR (1000) | 𐄂 | User-defined field |
custom_field_14 | VARCHAR (1000) | 𐄂 | User-defined field |
custom_field_15 | VARCHAR (1000) | 𐄂 | User-defined field |
custom_field_16 | VARCHAR (1000) | 𐄂 | User-defined field |
custom_field_17 | VARCHAR (1000) | 𐄂 | User-defined field |
custom_field_18 | VARCHAR (1000) | 𐄂 | User-defined field |
custom_field_19 | VARCHAR (1000) | 𐄂 | User-defined field |
custom_field_20 | VARCHAR (1000) | 𐄂 | User-defined field |