Acquia CMS

Known issues

Compatibility issues

Incompatibility between Acquia CMS Search and Drupal Search modules

The Acquia CMS Search module is not compatible with the Drupal core Search module.

Inaccurate search results in production environments

If you stage down from a production environment to a non-production environment, the system might return inaccurate or empty search results in the production environment.


Add the following snippet in the settings.php file:

if (isset($_ENV['AH_SITE_ENVIRONMENT'])) {
  // Setting for Acquia Hosting Envs.
  switch ($_ENV['AH_SITE_ENVIRONMENT']) {
    case 'dev':
      $settings['acquia_search.settings']['override_search_core'] = '';

    case 'test':
      $settings['acquia_search.settings']['override_search_core'] = 'ALQT-201252.test.dhsinternet';

    case 'prod':
      // Site Factory may require a different value depending on site
      // configuration.
      $settings['acquia_search.settings']['override_search_core'] = '';
      $settings['acquia_search']['read_only'] = TRUE;
} else {
  // Local Dev envs
  // Read only mode
  $settings['acquia_search']['read_only'] = TRUE;
  // Force pointing non-prod Search Core
  $settings['acquia_search']['override_search_core'] = 'ALQT-201252.test.dhsinternet';

Installation issues

Unable to download the packages.json file

The packages.json file could not be downloaded. You can find the file in the following location:


  1. If you installed ACMS through acquia/drupal-recommended-project or acquia/acquia-cms-project (deprecated), you must remove the entry for from your composer.json file. For more information, see Removing Asset Packagist.
  2. After you remove the source entry for, you must run composer update, commit, and deploy the resulting changes to you lock file.