Acquia CMS

Requesting work

You can request Remote Administration (RA) perform several different types of work for your website:

  • Security Updates

    Security Updates are done through automation, and you may request them with a ticket. Since RA Automation creates a new ticket, the requesting ticket will be solved so that all conversation occurs on the newly created ticket.

    Ensure an automated security update ticket does not already exist. If it does, test the deployed branch or request a new update through that ticket.

  • Bug-fix updates

    You must request all core and module bug-fix updates through a ticket.

    • Bug-fix updates may alter website behavior, so Acquia takes a conservative approach and does not apply bug-fix or feature releases instantly. Bug-fix or feature releases may be applied upon request for Legacy Premium RA clients. For instructions on how to file a ticket, see Support and TAM ticket information.

    • Acquia Automation can update specific modules through manual flags. Update requests will likely result in a new automated ticket listing all updates, and the original ticket will be resolved.

Request for troubleshooting

Troubleshooting requests are made through a Support ticket. The more precise and detailed you can be when requesting troubleshooting help, the more effective Support Engineers can be in responding to a ticket. Consider including the following information in your ticket:

  • The nature of the problem you want solved, both expected and actual behavior.

  • Any actions or events that seem to cause the problem.

  • Links to the pages where the problem is visible.

  • Screenshots of the problem, especially if it is graphic in nature.

  • Any errors that are visible to users, whether anonymous or administrative.

Review Support and TAM ticket information for more information.

Request a code update or change

If your RA request requires changes to code or database outside of a security update, answer the following questions when you initiate a ticket.


Your Preferences will be used as defaults unless you specify otherwise in your requesting ticket.

  • What branch or tag should be used to create a new, testing branch? The default is to branch from the current production tag.

  • What environment should be used for initial testing, Dev or Stage?

  • Unless you are requesting a security update, the default environment for testing code changes is Stage. The branch will be deployed to a single environment for testing, and once tested, it will be merged into the master or trunk and available for all environments. If it is a security update, RA will use the RA environment unless otherwise requested.

  • What database should be used to test against? The default is to copy the production database to the Testing environment.

Before requesting work, review the Out-of-scope areas section of Understanding the scope. It is also important to answer the preceding questions and to address the following items:

  • Specify the code you want update. If it’s a specific file, provide the file’s location.

  • If you want to update a module or core and desire to use a specific version, specify the version number in the ticket.

  • If you would like non-security module updates, specify the version you want to apply. For additional information, see Understanding the scope.