Configuration can be changed by adding a script tag before loading the cookie banner script with the following content:
window._monsidoConsentManagerConfig = {
token: "insert-your-monsido-token-here",
privacyRegulation: ["ccpa","gdpr"],
settings: {
manualStartup: false,
hideOnAccepted: false,
perCategoryConsent: true,
explicitRejectOption: true,
hasOverlay: true,
i18n: {
languages: ["en_US", "nb_NO", "de_DE", "es_ES", "da_DK"],
defaultLanguage: "en_US"
theme: {
iconPictureUrl: "stroopwafel",
iconShape: "rounded_box",
position: "bottom-center",
links: {
cookiePolicyUrl: "https://insert-your-url-here",
linkToCookieOverview: "https://insert-your-url-here",
optOutUrl: "https://insert-your-url-here",
cookieOverview: {
enable: true,
containerSelector: "#cookie-overview-container",
hideInPreferences: false
Name | Type | Description |
token | string | Required. A unique id for a website. Provided by Optimize. |
privacyRegulation | array | Array with privacy regulations, ex ["GDPR", "CCPA"]. |
settings.manualStartup | boolean | Determine if the cookie banner should be loaded manually or not. |
settings.hideOnAccepted | boolean | Determine if the consent widget should be hidden. |
settings.perCategoryConsent | boolean | Provide the option for visitors to give consent to individual cookie categories (GDPR requirement) |
settings.explicitRejectOption | boolean | Display the option to reject cookies. |
settings.hasOverlay | boolean | Determine if the entire website should be made non-interactive behind an overlay before the visitor makes a consent choice on the cookie banner. Be aware that locking interactions prior to consent may not be compliant with certain regional privacy regulations. |
i18n.defaultLanguage | string, e.g. "en-US" | Default language to fallback to. |
i18n.languages | array, e.g. ["en-US", "da-DK"] | The available languages that can be detected and displayed on the cookie banner. |
theme.buttonColor | "#b3efa7" - hex color code string | Color of the buttons on cookie banner and the cookie widget. |
theme.buttonTextColor | "#324646" - hex color code string | Color of the button label text on the cookie banner. |
theme.iconPictureUrl | "cookie", "cookie_bite", "badge", "stroopwafel" | Set the icon that is displayed on the consent widget. |
theme.iconShape | "circle", "rounded_box" | Set the consent widget icon shape when it is minimized. |
theme.position | "top-right", "top-center", "top-left", "right", "left", "bottom-right", "bottom-center", "bottom-left" | Set the position of the cookie banner on the website. |
links.cookiePolicyUrl | string | Link to the cookie policy page. |
links.linkToCookieOverview | string | Link to the overview page. |
links.optOutUrl | string | Link to opt out of selling personal data to third parties (for the CCPA privacy regulation). |
cookieOverview.enable | boolean | Enable displaying cookies list overview directly on the page. |
cookieOverview.containerSelector | string | CSS Selector to container element where you want to display the cookie overview. |
cookieOverview.hideInPreferences | boolean | Hide the cookie overview in cookie banner preferences |
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Thu Jan 30 2025 14:30:17 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)