Audit log


This article gives instructions on how to use the audit log to view and undo changes made to the website. Only admin users have access to the audit log.

The audit log tracks the following:

  • Date: The date of the change

  • User ID: The identifier for the user account that made the change

  • Domain: The domain that was changed

  • Module: The Acquia Optimize module that was used to make the change

  • Target: The issue that the change was targed to fix

  • Identifier: The edited code snippet

  • Explanation: If any, hover the cursor over the (i) icon to view the reason the user made the changes.

  • See Changes: Click to view more details about the changes

For instructions on how to set up an Admin user, see the user guide article:

Create and Configure Users.


This section gives instructions on how to access the audit log. Only Admin users can view and edit or delete reviewed issues from the audit log.

  1. Click Admin Settings (gear icon) at the top of the Domain Overview page.

  2. Click Audit Log, on the menu on the left to open the Audit Log page.

  3. Filter to locate a specific reviewed issue.

    • Domain: Select a domain from the drop-down list

    • User: Select a user from the drop-down list

    • Module: Select a module from the drop-down list.

See Changes

This section gives more information about the changes made.

  1. Click See Changes on the same row as an issue.

  2. This view shows:

    • The URL that the change is made on (shown at the top of the page).

    • The Attribute that the change was made on.

    • The value Before the change.

    • The value After the change.

Undo a Check Review

This section gives instructions on how to remove a reviewed issue. This procedure is for issues marked as Reviewed in the Accessibility FastTrack module or via the Page Details view. The Undo a Check Review option returns the issue to the errors view on the page and module where it occurs.

  1. Click Action on the same row as a reviewed issue.

    The Action menu expands.

  2. Select Undo Check Review.

    The issue is gone from the audit log and the browser returns to the errors view on the page and module where it occurs.

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