This article provides instructions on how to add, edit, and remove domains.
Only Admin users can add, edit, or remove a domain.
This section provides instructions for admin users on how to add a domain.
Click Admin Settings (gear icon) on the top menu bar of any page in the platform. The Domain Settings page opens.
Click Add New Domain.
Provide the following information in the Domain Details section.
URL (required field): Click in the field and enter the website URL.
Keep in mind that website addresses that end in .com and .eu, for example, are two different domains. Each domain has a unique script and needs to be entered as a separate domain in the list.
Provide the following information in the Scan section:
Crawl Automatically: Toggle the switch to ON to set up a schedule for recurring scans. Toggle the switch to OFF to scan manually when needed.
This is an add-on feature. If this option is not available and you wish to change your scan frequency, contact your sales representative to upgrade the account. The default scan frequency is weekly.
Connections per minute: Click the drop-down arrow and select Connections per minute. The choices are:
Provide the following information in the Max section.
Max scanned pages: Enter the maximum number of pages to do a scan on, as specified on your Acquia contract.
Provide the following information in the Crawl Options section.
Toggle the switches ON to activate the different scan options.
Words that the user includes in the Optimize dictionary are case-sensitive. To instruct the scan to ignore words that are written in all caps, and bypass the need to, for example, add the word to the dictionary, toggle this switch to ON.
Render pages and execute JS while crawling: Toggle the switch ON to render pages and execute JavaScript during the scan.
When this option is turned ON, the website renders pages and executes JavaScript during the scan. This allows the scan to take into account any changes caused by Javascript during a website scan.
If the Accessibility feature is enabled, changes caused by JavaScript are automatically accounted for by default.
Ignore canonical URLs: Toggle the switch ON to instruct the scan to ignore canonical URLs.
More info: A canonical URL is the URL of the page that Google determines is most representative, taken from a set of duplicate pages on your website.
Use language attribute: Turn the switch OFF or ON. When it is ON, the scan does not try to auto-detect the page language. This means that the spell check is only done for the language specified in the lang attribute.
The Use Lang Attribute feature allows the scanner to use the correct spell check for HTML pages that have multiple languages.
The primary language of the HTML page must be correctly defined as a lang attribute on the <html>
tag. Additionally, each subsection of the page that is in any other language must be wrapped in a tag with a proper lang attribute value.
See below for an example:
<html lang=en">
<title>Hello World in other languages</title>
<h1>Hello World in other languages</h1>
Spanish: <span lang="es">Hola Mundo</span><br>
Danish: <span lang="da">Hej verden</span><br>
French: <span lang="fr">Bonjour le monde</span>
Remember: When enabled, the scan does not auto-detect the page language. For example, spell checks are always for the language specified in the lang attribute.
For more information, see the user guide article:
This section provides information for admin users on how to edit a domain.
Only Admin users can edit a domain.
Click Admin Settings (gear icon) on the top menu bar of any page in the platform. The Domain Settings page opens.
The Domain Settings page opens.
Click Action on the same row as the domain to scan. A drop-down list opens.
Select Edit Domain from the drop-down list.
The Edit Domain page opens.
This section provides information for admin users on how to remove a domain.
Click Admin Settings (gear icon) on the top menu bar of any page in the platform. The Domain Settings page opens.
The Domain Settings page opens.
Click Action on the same row as the domain to scan. A drop-down list opens.
Select Edit Domain from the drop-down list.
The Edit Domain page opens.
A dialog box asks for confirmation. "You are about to delete the domain (domain name) please type Delete to confirm this action."
Type the word "Delete" in the text box and then click OK to remove the domain. Click Cancel to close the dialog without removing the domain.
When you delete a domain, all of the related domain groups are also deleted.
The dialog closes and the domain and all related domain groups are gone from the list.
This section provides information for admin users on the available advanced domain setting options.
Path Constraints
Use Path Constraints to instruct the scan to only process parts of a domain. The scan regards URLs that match the pattern as internal on the site, and URLs that do not match are regarded in the same way as external links.
A Path Constraint can be a word or a regular expression. In most cases, users set up Path Constraints to:
The difference between the two is that in the first case ALL pages under /en are scanned and nothing else. In the second example, all pages EXCEPT /fr are scanned.
When you use Path constraints, make sure that the URL for the domain is set to a page that matches the constraint.
If you do not do this, the scan will only run on one page, since the scanner cannot proceed to any other page than the page it starts on.
For example. with a constraint of "^/en/booking", starting the crawler on
will not work. The crawler will request
and it will receive the page, and find that no links match
and this will result in just the first page being scanned.
For more information, see the user guide article:
Link Exclusions
You can choose to exclude a word or a regular expression. Use Link Excludes to instruct the crawler to completely ignore a link on the pages. Pages that match the pattern are not tested.
Use Link Excludes to:
Filter out print pages with a pattern such as print=true
This instructs the scan to ignore (and not test) any URL with the pattern, for example:
Filter out redirected login pages with a pattern such as:
This instructs the scan to ignore all URLs with the pattern, for example
Tip! If "Scan subdomains" is turned on for the domain, use the § sign in front of the exclude pattern to match URLs that use the full string instead of the relative one.
For example, to exclude the scan for the "blog" subdomain, enter the pattern:
For more information, see the user guide article:
Internal URLs
Configure internal URLs with the following options in this section:
Login Type
This section provides instructions on how to fill out the Login Type section.
Click the drop-down arrow and select a login type. The choices are:
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