Accessibility checks update - March-April 2025¶
Acquia Optimize has performed a round of periodic updates to our accessibility checks to improve the overall quality of accessibility scans.
For more information and a list of the new checks and notes about replaced or removed checks, see the user guide article:
Accessibility Checks Update.
An orange line with the label "Accessibility checks update" on your charts and tables in the Accessibility module indicates when your domain started scanning with the updated versions of checks.
For more information, see the user guide article:
Visual indicator when you switch accessibility guidelines.
All checks are updated automatically and Acquia Optimize users do not need to do anything in order to take advantage of the changes. However, as a consequence of the update, be aware that your accessibility compliance score may change.
Changes in accessibility scores are expected, due to more accurate and comprehensive assessment of website accessibility as well as the way Acquia Optimize calculates accessibility scores.
Changelog: All of the details about what has changed¶
In the following section, we provide details on the specific updates to the various accessibility checks as part of this release.
Removed checks¶
- Check 58 All input elements with a type attribute value of "image" have an alt attribute.
- Check 59 Alt text for all input elements with a type attribute value of "image" identifies the purpose or function of the image.
- Check 64 All area elements have an alt attribute.
- Check 65 Alt text for all area elements identifies the link destination.
- Check 42 All h1 elements are not used for formatting.
- Check 43 All h2 elements are not used for formatting.
- Check 44 All h3 elements are not used for formatting.
- Check 45 All h4 elements are not used for formatting.
- Check 46 All h5 elements are not used for formatting.
- Check 47 All h6 elements are not used for formatting.
- Check 112 All data table summaries contain text.
- Check 133 All layout tables make sense when linearized.
- Check 316 The purpose of each input field collecting information about the user can be programmatically determined.
- Check 302 Visited link text colour must contrast sufficiently with its background colour.
- Check 303 Active link text colour must contrast sufficiently with its background colour.
- Check 304 Selected link text colour must contrast sufficiently with its background colour.
- Check 354 Link text colour must contrast sufficiently with its background colour.
- Check 364 Text has minimum contrast
- Check 116 b (bold) element is not used.
- Check 117 i (italic) element is not used.
- Check 176 basefont must not be used.
- Check 177 font must not be used.
- Check 351 Ensure pinch-to-zoom is enabled.
- Check 11 Alt text for all img elements contains all text in the image unless the image text is decorative or appears elsewhere in the document.
- Check 193 Alt text for all input elements with a type attribute value of "image" contains all non-decorative text in the image.
- Check 194 Alt text for all area elements contains all non-decorative text in the image area.
- Check 307 Visited link text colour must provide high contrast with its background colour.
- Check 308 Active link text colour must provide high contrast with its background colour.
- Check 309 Selected link text colour must provide high contrast with its background colour.
- Check 356 The contrast between the colour of link text and its background is not sufficient to meet WCAG2.0 Level AAA.
- Check 365 Text has enhanced contrast
- Check 322 Keyboard shortcuts are implemented in a changeable and safe manner
- Check 28 A "skip to content" link appears on all pages with blocks of material prior to the main document.
- Check 31 All frames have a title attribute.
- Check 32 All frame titles identify the purpose or function of the frame.
- Check 84 ASCII art should have a skipover link.
- Check 262 All groups of links with a related purpose are marked.
- Check 19 Link text is meaningful when read out of context.
- Check 173 Suspicious link text.
- Check 174 Each source anchor contains text.
- Check 184 Sites must have a site map.
- Check 266 The document contains a breadcrumb trail if it is part of a collection.
- Check 261 Each section of content is marked with a header element.
- Check 311 Content can be operated using simple inputs on a wide range of pointing devices.
- Check 321 Functionality that can be operated using a single pointer, is implemented in a safe manner.
- Check 323 User interface components with labels that include text or images of text has the text that is presented visually contained in the name.
- Check 326 Functionality that can be operated by device motion or user motion can also be operated by user interface.
- Check 324 The size of the target for pointer inputs is at least 44 by 44 CSS pixels.
- Check 362 Pointer-interactive elements, such as linked icons, must be easy to target (Enhanced)
- Check 325 Web content does not restrict use of input modalities available on a platform.
- Check 48 Document has required lang attribute(s).
- Check 49 Document has a valid language code.
- Check 273 Reading order direction is marked using the html element's dir attribute if the document's primary language is read right to left.
- Check 110 Words and phrases not in the document's primary language are marked.
- Check 179 Provide a reference to a glossary.
- Check 98 Abbreviations must be marked with abbr element.
- Check 99 Acronyms must be marked with acronym element.
- Check 275 Loading the web page does not cause a new window to open.
- Check 68 area should not open new window without warning.
- Check 92 All select elements do not cause an extreme change in context.
- Check 274 Change of context occurs only by user activation unless a warning is provided.
- Check 263 Repeated blocks of content appear in the same frame within the frameset.
- Check 276 Repeated components appear in the same relative order each time they appear.
- Check 81 List items must not be used to format text.
- Check 100 blockquote must not be used for indentation.
- Check 274 Change of context occurs only by user activation unless a warning is provided.
- Check 267 All form submission error messages identify any empty required fields.
- Check 96 All textarea elements have a label that is positioned close to control.
- Check 122 All input elements, type of "password", have a label that is positioned close to the control.
- Check 123 All input elements, type of "checkbox", have a label that is positioned close to the control.
- Check 124 All input elements, type of "file", have a label that is positioned close to the control.
- Check 125 All input elements, type of "radio", have a label that is positioned close to the control.
- Check 187 Each input element has only one associated label.
- Check 205 All input elements, type of "file", have a label that describes the purpose or function of the control.
- Check 209 All select elements have a label that is positioned close to the control.
- Check 210 All select elements have a label that describes the purpose or function of the control.
- Check 211 All input elements, type of "text", have a label that is positioned close to the control.
- Check 217 All input elements, type of "password", have a label that describes the purpose or function of the control.
- Check 218 All input elements, type of "text", have a label that describes the purpose or function of the control.
- Check 219 All input elements, type of "checkbox", have a label that describes the purpose or function of the control.
- Check 220 All input elements, type of "radio", have a label that describes the purpose or function of the control.
- Check 246 All form fields that are required are indicated to the user as required.
- Check 392 Each label associated with an input element contains text
- Check 268 All form submission error messages provide assistance in correcting the error.
- Check 269 Form submission data is presented to the user before final acceptance for all irreversible transactions.
- Check 185 id attributes must be unique.
- Check 327 Status messages can be programmatically determined through role or properties.
Added checks¶
- Check 447 An image button has a name that describes its purpose.
- Check 430 Video has audio description
- Check 446 All heading elements are not used for formatting.
- Check 452 Orientation of the page is not restricted using CSS transform property
- Check 431 Ensure input fields with autocomplete attributes align with their intended purpose.
- Check 455 autocomplete attribute has valid value
- Check 438 Link text color must contrast sufficiently with its background color.
- Check 440 Text has minimum contrast
- Check 442 Text on top of image, gradient or backdrop-filter, or using Text Shadows, should have minimum contrast
- Check 444 Link text on top of image, gradient or backdrop-filter, or using Text Shadows, should have minimum contrast
- Check 478 No change of context when receiving focus
- Check 453 Meta viewport allows for zoom
- Check 439 The contrast between the color of link text and its background is not sufficient to meet WCAG 2.0 Level AAA.
- Check 441 Text has enhanced contrast
- Check 443 Text on top of image, gradient or backdrop-filter, or using Text Shadows, should have enhanced contrast
- Check 445 Link text on top of image, gradient or backdrop-filter, or using Text Shadows, should have enhanced contrast
- Check 479 Link text colour in user induced states must meet enhanced contrast or better with its background colour.
- Check 449 Low or no background audio
- Check 465 Text is Justified
- Check 460 Links with identical accessible names and same context serve equivalent purpose
- Check 476 Links with identical accessible names have equivalent purpose
- Check 470 Visible label is part of accessible name
- Check 477 Pointer-interactive elements, such as linked icons, must be easy to target(extended)
- Check 451 HTML page lang attribute has valid language tag
- Check 434 Document has required lang attribute(s)
- Check 454 Element with lang attribute has valid language tag
- Check 472 The local language attribute matches the actual language
- Check 471 Abbreviations must be described
- Check 467 An input error is described to the user in text.
- Check 473 Labels or instructions are provided when content requires user input
- Check 468 All form submission error messages provide assistance in correcting the error.
- Check 469 Form submission data is presented to the user before final acceptance for all irreversible transactions.
- Check 475 Context-sensitive help is available for forms
- Check 448 Status messages can be programmatically determined through role or properties.
Additional resources¶
For additional information, see the user guide article:
Accessibility Checks.