This article provides information on how to locate errors with the web browser extension.
Open the website and activate the web browser extension. The extension toolbar opens.
Click Content Issues (the insect icon).
The Content Issues pane opens.
In the Accessibility section, in the same column as a failing check, click See Issues. The details pane slides open. Issues have an icon to indicate the type of issue.
Errors (insect icon)
These are content issues such as HTML snippets that are not compliant. These issues can only be fixed with a change to the source code.
Warnings (bell icon)
These issues need to be reviewed manually.
Reviews (eye icon)
These issues cannot be tested by the software and therefore need to be reviewed manually.
When using Reviews, “Mark as Fixed” should only be used if the code snippet has been repaired on the HTML for the page. If it is not fixed properly, the line of code is re-flagged on the next scan. If it is not possible to repair the issue in the code, mark the issue as “Review” instead.
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