This document provides instructions on how to find and repair broken links with the Quality Assurance feature.
To navigate to the Quality Assurance module:
Click Quality Assurance (the checkbox icon), on the Dashboard toolbar.
The Quality Assurance page opens.
Click Links from the menu on the left.
Click this option in the Links sub-menu on the left side of the page to view the URLs of any pages that contain broken links. This is the default page that opens when Links is selected.
A dialog box opens. Select your export file:
A message informs that, "Your export is currently being generated, You will receive an email when the export is ready." To view the progress, click the avatar icon on the main toolbar and select My Exports, or click Go to My Exports.
Priority: Low, Medium, High as determined by the number of page views.
For more information, see the user guide article:
Open Issue Page: On the same row as an issue on the right, click Open Issue Page (an i for information icon) on the same row as an issue.
For more information about Issue View see the user guide article:
Open page details (webpage icon): On the same row as a page, click Open Page Details.
The details page opens.
Click this option in the Links sub-menu on the left-hand side of the page to see the overview and status of broken links.
A dialog box opens. Select your export file:
A message informs that, "Your export is currently being generated, You will receive an email when the export is ready." To view the progress, click the avatar icon on the main toolbar and select My Exports, or click Go to My Exports.
Mark as ignored: Ignore the link. Use this option if you know the link is not broken. Ignored links are not included in subsequent scans and will not show up as broken.
For more information, see the user guide article:
Click this option in the Links sub-menu on the left-hand side of the page to view the list of images that have broken links.
Tip: An example of a broken image could be an icon button with a broken path.
Click Open Issue Page (an exclamation point icon) to see all of the broken image links on a single page.
Although the Quality Assurance Module is a highly effective way to find broken links on images, false positives can occur. For best results, it is important to manually review the findings.
A dialog box opens. Select your export file:
A message informs that, "Your export is currently being generated, You will receive an email when the export is ready." To view the progress, click the avatar icon on the main toolbar and select My Exports, or click Go to My Exports.
Mark as ignored: Ignore the link. Use this option if you know the link is, in fact, OK. Ignored links are not included in subsequent scans and will not show up as broken.
For more information, see the user guide article:
The available reports for the Quality Assurance module are:
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