The Acquia Optimize scan disregards any <meta> elements in the spellcheck. Misspellings in the meta description are not identified by the scan. These need to be checked manually for spelling errors.
The Acquia Optimize Spellcheck feature scans for misspelled words in the primary language of the page by default. If the page language is not written in the primary language of the domain, words on the page can be marked as potential misspellings (if they are not found in the dictionary), even if they are correctly spelled in the language of origin. Turn on the Use Language Attribute function in domain configuration to avoid this.
This article gives information on how to use the spellcheck quality assurance feature to detect and repair misspelled words
For more information, see the User Guide chapters:
How to navigate to the Quality Assurance module.
Click Quality Assurance (the checkbox icon), on the Dashboard toolbar.
The Quality Assurance page opens.
Click Spellcheck from the menu on the left side of the page.
The menu expands with the following options:
Spellcheck Summary
Pages with Misspellings
Potential Misspellings
Ignored Misspellings.
Click Spellcheck Summary in the expanded menu on the left side of the page. The Spellcheck Summary page opens. This dashboard view has three sections that show a summary of misspellings.
Misspellings history: This section shows the history of misspelled words over time.
Unique misspellings found: Current number of misspellings on the site, based on the most recent scan. Click to navigate to the Misspellings page to view the results.
Potential misspellings found: Current number of potential misspellings on the site, based on the most recent scan. Click to navigate to the Potential Misspellings page to view the results.
Languages found: Current number of languages detected on the site, based on the most recent scan.
Most common language: Based on the most recent scan, the most common language detected on the site.
Most common misspellings: The misspellings that occur most frequently on the site, based on the most recent scan.
Most common potential misspellings: The most common potential misspellings on the site, based on the most recent scan.
Action: Click the drop-down arrow on the same row as a potential misspelling and select the action to perform for this word. This action affects all instances of the word.
Confirm as misspelling: Approve this spelling of the word.
Add to dictionary: Approve this spelling and add it to the language dictionary so that future scans will not flag it as misspelled.
For more instructions, see the User Guide Article:
Add to dictionary for all languages: Approve this spelling (product names, for example) and add it to the language dictionary for all languages so that future scans do not flag it as misspelled.
For more information, see the User Guide chapter:
Ignore Misspelling - Use this option:
If words, for example proper nouns or names, are marked as misspellings when they are not.
To ignore spelling issues on a single-page basis.
To ignore all other issues on a domain level.
Ignored issues will not be factored into future scans, and this permanently affects the compliance score.
Mark as fixed: Marks the misspelled word as fixed. It will be included in subsequent scans and if the error returns, it will appear again in the broken links list. Select this option when the misspelled word is actually fixed by the web team on the HTML code of the webpage, or if it is a temporary (for example, in an unpublished state) known issue.
The difference between Mark as Fixed and Mark as Ignored is that issues marked as Fixed are still included in future scans and can be flagged again if the error persists. Issues that are set to Ignore are permanently omitted from future scans and compliance scores.
Click Pages with Misspellings in the expanded menu on the left-hand side of the page. The Pages with Misspellings page opens.
On the menu bar at the top of the chart, navigate between:
Potential misspellings
Click Export to export the list.
A dialog box opens. Select your export file:
Pages With Misspellings.
A message informs that, "Your export is currently being generated, You will receive an email when the export is ready." To view the progress, click the avatar icon on the main toolbar and select My Exports, or use the provided button Go to My Exports.
Click Filter ( the funnel icon) to filter for:
Labels: Filter for labels.
Languages: Filter for languages that are used in the website.
Search: Click in the dialog box and type a search parameter. The search begins dynamically as soon as any characters are typed.
The table with the results has the headers:
Title: The page title has a link to the page where the misspelled word is located.
Click the link to navigate to the page view for misspellings.
The table columns in the page view are:
Word: The word that is misspelled or potentially misspelled.
Lookup in Google: Click the link to navigate to the Google search engine and see search results for the selected word.
PageCorrect: Click PageCorrect to repair the misspelled word.
For more information, see the User Guide chapter:
A dialog box opens with the misspelled word. Insert the correct spelling into the text field.
Click Save. The word is corrected in all instances of the site.
Language: This is the language as defined by the website owner, which determines the correct spellings to use.
Open Issue Page: On the same row as an issue on the right, click Open Issue Page (an i for information icon).
For more information about Issue View see the user guide article:
Action: On the same row as the issue, the Action button has the following menu items:
Add to dictionary: Approve this spelling and add it to the language dictionary so that future scans will not flag it as misspelled.
For more information, see the User Guide chapter:
Add to dictionary for all languages: Approve this spelling (product names, for example) and add it to the language dictionary for all languages so that future scans do not flag it as misspelled.
For more information, see the User Guide chapter:
Ignore Misspelling - Use this option:
If links are marked as dead when they are not.
To ignore spelling issues on a single-page basis.
To ignore all other issues on a domain level.
Ignored issues are not factored into future scans, and this permanently affects the compliance score.
Mark as fixed: Marks the misspelling as fixed. It will be included in subsequent scans and if the error returns, it will appear again in the broken links list. Select this option when the error is actually fixed by the web team on the HTML code of the webpage, or if it is a temporary (for example, in an unpublished state) known issue.
The difference between Mark as Fixed and Ignore is that issues marked as Fixed are still included in future scans and can be flagged again if the error persists. Issues that are set to Ignore are permanently omitted from future scans and compliance scores.
Language: This is the language as defined by the website owner, which determines the correct spellings to use.
Misspellings: This column shows the number of occurrences for the misspelling across the website.
Potential misspellings: This column shows the number of occurrences for the potential misspellings across the website. These are words that need to be manually checked.
Views: This column shows the number of users who have accessed the page (only available to customers who have activated the Statistics module).
Open page details: Click the page icon to navigate to the overview of the page showing all issues that were identified by the last scan.
Redirect to page: Click to navigate to the page URL and view the page as an external visitor.
Click Misspellings in the expanded menu on the left-hand side of the page. The Misspellings page opens.
On the menu bar at the top of the chart, navigate between:
Other languages
Click Play to play through the list. View each misspelled word and take action on it. Click the < (Backward) or > (Forward) arrow to navigate to the next word on the list. This method offers the same actions that can be done from the main list.
Click Export to export the list.
A dialog box opens. Select your export file:
Pages With Misspellings.
A message informs: "Your export is currently being generated, You will receive an email when the export is ready." To view the progress, click the avatar icon on the main toolbar and select My Exports, or use the provided button Go to My Exports.
Search: Click in the dialog box and type a search parameter. The search begins dynamically as soon as any characters are typed.
The table with the results has the headers:
Word: The word that is misspelled or potentially misspelled.
PageCorrect: Click PageCorrect to repair the misspelled word.
For more instructions on using PageCorrect, see the User Guide article:
A dialog box opens with the misspelled word. Insert the correct spelling into the text field.
Click Save. The word is corrected in all instances of the site.
Lookup in Google: Click the link to navigate to the Google search engine and see search results for the selected word.
Language: This is the language as defined by the website owner, which determines the correct spellings to use.
Pages: The number of pages where this misspelled word is detected by the latest scan.
Action: Click the drop-down arrow on the same row as a potential misspelling and select the action to perform for this word. This action affects all instances of the word.
Add to dictionary: Approve this spelling and add it to the language dictionary so that future scans will not flag it as misspelled.
For more information, see the User Guide chapter:
Add to dictionary for all languages: Approve this spelling (product names, for example) and add it to the language dictionary for all languages so that future scans do not flag it as misspelled.
For more instructions, see the User Guide Article:
Ignore Misspelling - Use this option:
If links are marked as dead when they are not.
To ignore spelling issues on a single-page basis.
To ignore all other issues on a domain level.
Ignored issues are not factored into future scans, and this permanently affects the compliance score.
Mark as fixed: Marks the misspelling as fixed. It will be included in subsequent scans and if the error returns, it will appear again in the broken links list. Select this option when the error is actually fixed by the web team on the HTML code of the webpage, or if it is a temporary (for example, in an unpublished state) known issue.
The difference between Mark as Fixed and Ignore is that issues marked as Fixed are still included in future scans and can be flagged again if the error persists. Issues that are set to Ignore are permanently omitted from future scans and compliance scores.
Click Potential Misspellings in the expanded menu on the left-hand side of the page. This list contains words that the dictionary could not confirm, these need to be reviewed manually.
The Potential Misspellings page opens.
On the menu bar at the top of the chart, navigate between:
Other languages.
Click Play to view the word and access all options for handling the potential misspelling.
Click Export to export the list.
A dialog box opens. Select your export file:
Pages With Misspellings
A message informs: "Your export is currently being generated, You will receive an email when the export is ready." To view the progress, click the avatar icon on the main toolbar and select My Exports, or use the provided button Go to My Exports.
Search: Click in the dialog box and type a search parameter. The search begins dynamically as soon as any characters are typed.
The table with the results has the headers:
Word: The word that is misspelled or potentially misspelled.
Lookup in Google: Click the link to navigate to the Google search engine and see search results for the selected word.
Language: This is the language as defined by the website owner, which determines the correct spellings to use.
Confirm misspelling: Click the link to confirm the word as a misspelling.
Pages: The number of pages where this misspelled word is detected by the latest scan.
Action: Click the drop-down arrow on the same row as a potential misspelling and select the action to perform for this word. This action affects all instances of the word.
Confirm as misspelling: Select this option to confirm that the word is a misspelling.
Add to dictionary: Approve this spelling and add it to the language dictionary so that future scans will not flag it as misspelled.
For more information, see the User Guide chapter:
Add to dictionary for all languages: Approve this spelling (product names, for example) and add it to the language dictionary for all languages so that future scans will not flag it as misspelled.
For more information, see the User Guide chapter:
Ignore Misspelling - Use this option:
If links are marked as dead when they are not.
To ignore spelling issues on a single-page basis.
To ignore all other issues on a domain level.
Ignored issues are not included in future scans, and this permanently affects the compliance score.
Mark as fixed - Use this option when the issue is fixed on your website. Items that are marked as fixed are included in future scans.
The difference between Mark as Fixed and Ignore is that issues marked as Fixed are still included in future scans and can be flagged again if the error persists. Issues that are set to Ignore are permanently omitted from future scans and compliance scores.
Click Dictionary in the expanded menu on the left-hand side of the page. The Account Dictionary page opens.
On the menu bar at the top of the chart, navigate between:
Other languages.
Click Export to export the list. A dialog box opens. Select your export file:
Account Dictionary
A message informs: "Your export is currently being generated, You will receive an email when the export is ready." To view the progress, click the avatar icon on the main toolbar and select My Exports, or use the provided button Go to My Exports.
Search: Click in the dialog box and type a search parameter. The search begins dynamically as soon as any characters are typed.
The results table has the headers:
Word: The word that is misspelled or potentially misspelled.
Language: The language of the page where the word appears, as defined by the website owner.
Added date: The date that the word was added to the dictionary.
Added by: The name of the user who added the word to the dictionary.
Remove from dictionary: Click the link to remove the word from the dictionary.
For more information, see the user guide article:
Quality Assurance: Dictionary.
Click Ignored Misspellings in the expanded menu on the left-hand side of the page. The Ignored Misspellings page opens.
On the menu bar at the top of the chart, navigate between:
Other languages
Click Export to export the list.
A dialog box opens. Select your export file:
Pages With Misspellings
A message informs: "Your export is currently being generated, You will receive an email when the export is ready." To view the progress, click the avatar icon on the main toolbar and select My Exports, or click Go to My Exports.
Search: Click in the dialog box and type a search parameter. The search begins dynamically as soon as any characters are typed.
The results table has the headers:
Word: The word that is misspelled or potentially misspelled.
Language: The language of the page where the word appears, as defined by the website owner.
Ignored date: The date that the word was ignored.
Ignored by: The name of the user who ignored the word.
Remove from ignored: Click the Unignore Misspelling link to remove the word from the Ignored Misspellings list.
Open the website and activate the Acquia Optimize Extension. The extension toolbar opens.
Click Content Issues (the insect icon).
The Content Issues pane slides open.
In the Quality Assurance section, in the same column as any detected misspelling issues, click See Issues to view the issue type and response code.
Misspelled words are listed as either Confirmed misspelling or Potential misspelling. Use the buttons under each word detected to perform the following actions:
Add word to dictionary: Add the word to the dictionary so that it will not be flagged as a misspelling in future scans.
Mark as fixed: Marks the misspelling as fixed. It will be included in subsequent scans and if the error returns, it will appear again in the misspelled words list. Select this option when the error is actually fixed by the web team on the HTML code of the webpage, or if it is a temporary (for example, in an unpublished state) known issue.
Mark as ignored: Ignore the misspelling. Use this option if you know the word is, in fact, OK (for example, a proper noun). Ignored misspellings are not included in subsequent scans and will not show up as misspelled words.
The difference between Mark as Fixed and Mark as Ignored is that issues marked as Fixed are still included in future scans and can be flagged again if the error persists. Issues that are set to Ignore are permanently omitted from future scans and compliance scores.
View HTML: Opens the HTML section and highlights the location of the misspelling.
Highlight on the page: Highlights the misspelled word on the page.
This section gives information about how to set up some advanced settings that may help solve recurring spellcheck issues.
See the FAQ document for instructions on how to set the primary language for a URL or page. If the wrong language is set up for the page or website there could be many misspelled words flagged by the scan.
For more information, see the User Guide chapter in the FAQ:
Why does Language Detection specify the wrong language?
The Acquia Optimize Dictionary allows users to add frequently-used words that the spellcheck consistently flags as misspelled words or potentially misspelled words to the scan. Words added to the dictionary are ignored by the scan, and can be an easy fix for recurring flagged words.
For more information, see the user guide article:
Quality Assurance: Dictionary.
This section gives instructions for advanced users on how to exclude a segment of the webpage from the spellcheck.
Click </> Source Code Excludes on the menu on the left-hand side of the page. The </> Source Code Excludes window opens.
Click the Misspellings tab. If there are any Source Code Excludes for this module, they are shown in a list.
Click Add Source Code Exclude.
Click Misspellings. The Details pane opens.
Description (required): Click in the text field and type in a short description for the excluded source code.
Default for CMS: Click in the field and select the CMS (your website Content Management System, if used) from the drop-down menu, or select None if there is no CMS. If your CMS is not on the list, contact the support team to see if it can be added.
CSS Target Selector (required): Click in the field and select an existing CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) selector pattern from the drop-down menu, or click + to add a new one.
Once added, subsequent scans identify elements that match the entered CSS selector patterns and omit them from the results.
Add as many CSS Target Selectors as needed.
Click Save to save the Source Code Exclude. The Details page closes and the Source Code Excludes list page is visible. The new source code exclusion is on the list.
For more information, see the user guide article:
Configure Source Code Exclusions on a Scan.
Words that the user includes in the Dictionary are case-sensitive. To instruct the scan to ignore words that are written in all caps, and bypass the need to, for example, add the word to the dictionary, follow the steps below for instructions about the Spelling ignore capitalized words option. This option allows users to instruct the scan to ignore words that are written in caps.
Click Settings (the gear icon) on the top menu bar of the Domain Settings page. The Admin Settings page opens.
The Settings button is only available to site admins.
On the Admin settings page, click Action on the same row as a domain. A drop-down list expands.
Select Edit Domain. The Edit Domain page opens.
Click to toggle the Spelling Ignore Capitalized Words switch to ON.
For more information, see the user guide article:
The available reports for the Quality Assurance module are:
Quality Assurance Report
Pages with Quality Assurance Errors Report
Broken Links Report
Misspellings Report
Pages with Misspellings Report
Potential Misspellings Report
Readability Score Report
Broken Links Per Page Report
Misspellings Per Page Report.
Click Schedule This Report (calendar icon) on the same row as the report to receive the report as an email attachment. Multiple selection is allowed. See Schedule a Report in this document for instructions.
Click Open Report (eye icon) to get the newest report. See View a Report in this document for instructions.
Click Report Administration (gear icon) to add other users to receive the report. See Add Users to Receive a Report in this document for instructions.
For more information, see the user guide article:
For more information, see the user guide articles:
If this content did not answer your questions, try searching or contacting our support team for further assistance.