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Acquia Optimize

Single-page scan


The single-page scan lets you do a scan on any single page individually, outside of the normal website crawl. This is useful for error checks on a single page that has been recently updated.

The web browser extension also can show the results of a scan on individual pages from domains that are not included in the subscription.

How it works

When you request a single-page scan, the URL for the page is sent to our crawler, which then crawls the page in the same way as it crawls any other page in a regular full domain scan. The single-page scan does not analyze the HTML that is downloaded in your browser.

Every time a single-page scan is triggered by a user, either from the web browser extension or from within the application, it is added to a queue of tasks on our servers. This queue also contains all of the scheduled and on-demand domain scans across the entire server/environment. Please note that single-page scans have the lowest priority in the queue. In other words, if there are several ongoing domain scans (scheduled or on-demand) on the server and a user starts a Single Page Scan, it goes to the back of the queue and then must wait for other scans to complete.
The reason for this is that all scans for other customers on the same server would be slowed down if single-page scans had top priority. For example, if Customer A started 10 pingle-page scans, it would force Customer B’s scheduled scan to take 2 hours longer. 
For these reasons, expect that a single-page scan may take 30 minutes or longer, depending on the current server load.


This section gives instructions on how to do a scan on a single page.

  1. Click Prioritized Content (the bell icon) from the domain dashboard.

    The Prioritized Content page opens.

  2. Click Open Page Details (the page icon) on the same row as the page that you want to do a scan on. The Page Dashboard page opens.

  3. Click Re-scan this page (an icon with recycling arrows).

    The scan begins. A pop-up box gives the information, "Re-scanning this page has started and will be finished in a few minutes."

  4. Click OK to let the scan continue, or click X to close the text box and cancel the scan.
  5. When the scan is done, a message at the top of the Page Dashboard informs about the latest scan: "This page has been rescanned since the latest full crawl", along with the date of the most recent manual page scan.
  6. The Page Dashboard updates to show the details from the single-page scan.

Single-page scans with the Acquia Optimize web browser extension

This section gives instructions on how to use the web browser extension to start a scan on pages that are included in your subscription.

  1. Open the New Monsido extension on the webpage that you want to do the scan on.
  2. Click Single Page Scan (icon of recycling arrows) in the extension toolbar.

  3. The Single-Page Scan List page opens.
  4. Click Scan this page.
  5. The message “Scanning current page (URL)” shows, and the icon spins until the scan is done.
  6. The page redirects to the application, where the scan continues there as per the normal single-page scan.
  7. When the scan is done, a result box appears at the top of the page under the page logo. The information displayed is the date and time of the scan and the results found for the following modules:
    • SEO
    • Accessibility
    • Quality Assurance
    • Data Privacy.
  8. A log is automatically created. It shows the history of all single-page scans on the page. Information in the log includes:

    • URL scanned
    • Date and time
    • Previous scan results
    • Option to Go to page
    • Option to Rescan page.

    For more information, see the user guide article:

    History center.

For more information, see the user guide article:

Web browser extension

External page scans with the web browser extension

This section gives instructions on how to do a scan on pages that are not included in the Acquia Optimize subscription.

  1. Open the web browser extension on the webpage that you want to do a scan on. On a page that is not covered by your subscription, the normal selection for content issues (bug icon) is not available and is replaced by "Page not found".

  2. Click Scan (icon of recycling arrows) in the extension toolbar.

  3. The Single-Page Scan List pane opens.
  4. Click Scan this page.

  5. The message “Scanning current page (URL)” shows, and the icon spins until the scan is complete.
  6. The scan results appear in the Single-Page Scan list with the following information:
    • The date and time of the scan.
    • Scan results for the following modules:
      • Accessibility: Click the arrow to expand the section and see the details.

        For more information, see the user guide article:


      • Quality Assurance: Click the arrow to expand the section and see the details.

        For more information, see the uer guide article:
        Quality assurance

      • SEO: Click the arrow to expand the section and see the details.

        For more information, see the user guide article:


      • Data Privacy: Click the arrow to expand the section and see the details.

        For more information, see the user guide article:

        Data privacy

Additional resources

For another way to do a single-page scan using the web browser extension, see the user guide article:

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