Campaign Factory


A Campaign Studio instance is where users log in to manage marketing operations such as building emails and campaigns, messages, contacts, and so on. Typically, when a marketer thinks of signing in to a marketing automation platform, they are thinking of signing in to an instance.


All new Campaign Studio instances are initially created in Campaign Factory.

Customers with a subscription to Campaign Factory as an add-on feature of Campaign Studio can create multiple instances. Your Acquia contract includes the specified number of instances you are allowed to create in Campaign Factory.

Creating an instance

  1. To access Campaign Factory, go to
  2. Enter your sign-in information.

    Campaign Factory customers can create instances from the Accounts or Instances page.

    New Campaign Studio-only customers must ignore the upgrade message displayed on the Accounts page, and continue to create their new instance by navigating directly to the Instances page.

  3. On the Instances page, click + New Instance.

    Campaign Factory customers can also create instances from the Accounts page after creating an account.

    Campaign Factory displays the Create a new Instance dialog box.


    For Campaign Studio-only customers: If the Account and Location fields do not prepopulate with your details, contact your account manager or create a Support ticket.

  4. Enter the following information to create the instance:
    • Instance: The instance name which is displayed on your instance lists and the Instances page.
    • Account: If you are a Campaign Factory user, select the account you want to attach the instance to.
    • Location: Campaign Studio has data centers in the US, EU, and APJ. A user can create an instance in any location from the same Campaign Factory login, and can have instances in one or more data centers. Not all subscribers will see options for all locations. If you do not see the option you need, create a Support ticket.
    • IP Pool: Select the IP pool that this instance must use for sending emails. Each instance must be assigned exactly one IP pool for email sending.


      This selection may be changed in the future.

      • For Campaign Studio customers:

        You must select the default IP pool that is assigned to your organization and is shared with other Campaign Studio customers.


        To purchase a dedicated IP address that is not shared with other customers, contact your Acquia account manager. For more information, see Dedicated IP pools.

      • For Campaign Factory customers:

        The Acquia team attaches your dedicated IP pools for configuration during account provisioning. Select the IP pool that the instance can use for sending emails.

    • Subdomain: The subdomain is where you go to access your Campaign Studio instance. It is displayed as the root URL for any landing pages built in the instance, including the preference center pages.


      Acquia recommends you to create a custom domain at instance creation. If you do not create a custom domain at this time, you will experience issues with images, links, forms, and your tracking code.

      Instance subdomains cannot exceed 63 characters.

      To customize your domain:

      1. Enable the I have my own domain toggle bar.
      2. Enter the custom domain.

        You must include both the subdomain and your website’s domain. For example:

        • Subdomain: subdomain.[eu./apj.]
        • Custom domain:
      3. After adding the subdomain, add a CNAME record to your DNS manager and validate the domain.

        For more information on these steps, see Custom domains.

        After the configurations are completed, users can sign in to the Campaign Studio instance using the custom domain URL.

    • Template: Campaign Factory customers can enable instance templating. If you have created at least one template, you can select the template to create a new instance. For more information, see Creating a template instance.
      • Link to Template: This checkbox appears on the page after you select a template. You can select this checkbox to enable template inheritance. Template inheritance helps you to create new instances that are linked to a template instance. You cannot edit the resources, such as campaigns, segments, and emails, that are inherited from the template instance.

        Once an instance is linked, all resources in the template are locked in the instance and you’ll see a lock icon next to them. However, you can still clone the locked resources.

        When someone makes changes to the template, you can sync the resources from the template overview. You can sync the resources one at a time or sync all changes. If you sync a campaign, all dependent resources, such as emails, forms, and segments used in the campaign, are also synced. You’ll be shown a list of all instances where the changes will be synced.


        The option for linking the instance is displayed only for the templates that are created after April 26, 2021.

    • Tags: Like Account tags, instance tags help Campaign Factory customers to search instances that meet certain criteria.
    • Block Email Sending: Prevents the instance from sending emails. This feature can be used by the customer to avoid additional charges if an instance has reached its email sending limit.

      The emails sent usage is tracked against the account’s limit and all the instances belonging to the account.


      Campaign Factory users cannot disable the Block Email Sending field for an instance if an Acquia administrator has already blocked email sending for the instance due to compliance issues. If an Acquia administrator has blocked email sending for the instance, the Campaign Factory user interface does not display the Block Email Sending field.

      Email notifications are sent to users associated with the account when 80%, 85%, 90%, 95%, and 100% of the limit is reached. After 100% of the limit is reached, instances will still continue to send emails. However, overage charges will apply. To get the email limit increased and know the applicable charges, or to have the instance unblocked if implemented by Acquia, contact your customer success manager.

  5. Click Save.


To log in to the new instance, click the URL link for the instance located in the Domain column on the Instances page so that you are redirected to the Campaign Studio instance.

Instances page

The Instances page provides the following details about all the instances that you have created.


Customers with a subscription to Campaign Factory as an add-on feature of Campaign Studio can create multiple instances and some of the information on this page only applies to customers with multiple instances.

InstanceThe title of the instance.
DomainThe subdomain or custom domain for the instance. Click the URL link for the instance to be redirected to the Campaign Studio instance.
TagsThe tags associated with the instance.
UsageThe contact limit for the account. Anonymous contacts do not count towards the instance limits. To view the usage information about an instance, hover over the respective bar.
Block email sending

An icon indicating whether email sending for the instance is enabled or blocked either by the customer or by Acquia administrators.

  • The Cross Mark (𐄂) icon indicates that email sending is enabled.
  • The Check Mark () icon indicates that email sending is blocked.
ActionsThe pencil icon to edit the account and the trash can icon to delete the account.

The Instances page also provides the following options:

  • Search: The search bar to find an instance.
  • Dropdown: The dropdown containing the following options:
    • Per page Shows the number of instances on each page.
    • Tags Shows the instances containing one or more specified tags.

Creating a template instance


This option is only available for Campaign Factory customers.

A template instance parent is used for creating child instances that inherit the resources/entities created in the template instance.

Instances created using a template contain the resources of the parent template instance. However, the child instance only shows the activities for resource modification that are done on the instance. Past activity of creation and other modification stays at the parent template level. Stats for emails, landing pages, form submissions, and assets are reset for the new instance.


Templates are not counted towards your instance limit total.

  1. Click the Gear icon on the top right of the screen, and select Templates.

    Campaign Factory redirects you to the Instance Templates landing page.

  2. Click Create.
  3. Enter the following information to create the template:

    • Name: A basic title for the template, which appears on your template lists and the Template details page.
    • Account: The Campaign Factory account to which you want to attach the template.
    • Location: Campaign Studio has data centers in the US, EU, and APJ. A user can create a template in any location from the same Campaign Factory login, and can have templates in one or more data centers. Not all subscribers will see the options for all locations. If you don’t see the option, create a Support ticket.
    • IP Pool: Select the IP pool that this instance must use for sending emails. Each instance must be assigned exactly one IP pool for email sending.
      • For users who do not have their own dedicated IP pool:

        If you see only one option, it is the default IP pool that is assigned to your organization and is shared with other Campaign Studio customers. You must select that IP pool.

      • For users who have their own dedicated IP pool:

        The Acquia team attaches your dedicated IP pools for configuration during account provisioning. Select one or more IP pools that the account can use for sending emails.

    • Tags: Like Account tags, instance tags help Campaign Factory customers to search instances that meet certain criteria.


If you create an instance from a template that already contains existing forms, you must rebuild the cache for all forms in the instance after creating the new instance’s custom domain.

Instance Overview page

This feature is only available for Campaign Factory customers.

To see summary information about an instance, select the instance name from either the main Instances list or from the Instances section of an Account page.

  • Contacts: Shows the number of Active, Identified (known), Unidentified (anonymous), and Unsubscribed contacts created in the selected time. Use the menu to the right of Contacts, and select a time to see statistics from:
    • Today
    • Last week
    • Last 30 days
    • Last 60 days
    • Last 90 days
  • The Identified contacts graph shows growth over:
    • Today (by hour)
    • Last 7 days (by date)
    • Last 14 days (by date)
    • Last month (by date)
  • Manage Instance:
    • Edit instance: Displays a dialog box with the instance’s data (same as Create Instance, editing the selected instance).
    • Branding Enables a user to change the logos and colors. For more information, see: Custom branding for Campaign Factory.
    • Log in to instance: Takes a user out of Campaign Factory and directly into the Campaign Studio instance. This creates a new user, or signs any new or existing user into the instance.
    • Delete instance: Permanently deletes the instance.


      Acquia cannot restore a deprovisioned instance once it is deleted. Do not delete an instance if you need to retain or access its data.

  • Usage: Displays which account the instance is associated with, and the account administrator and the usage graph and contact limit data for the instance.
  • Instance Resources: Lists all potential resource types available for copying to another instance. To copy a resource:
    1. Click the Copy icon next for the resource.
    2. Select the actual item you want to copy and the instance you want to copy it to.
    3. Click Save. Campaign Factory will copy everything associated with the item to the destination instance.
  • Resource Statistics: Click any of the numbers for Contacts added, Page hits, Form submissions, Asset downloads, or the links for Campaigns, Emails, Segments, or Stages to go to the statistics page for the resource type.
  • Team Members: Shows all Campaign Factory users who have access to the instance.


With the Golden Template feature, you can create an instance where a child instance acquires all properties and behaviors of the parent template instance and also keeps in sync with the parent template.

To get Golden Template enabled, contact your Customer Success Managers or create a Support ticket.

For more information, see Golden Template feature.

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