Campaign Factory

2021 Release notes - Campaign Factory

This webpage describes the updates Acquia made to Campaign Factory in 2021. For the latest updates, see Release notes.

Campaign Factory - November 16, 2021

  • Change An error message now appears if a user attempts to configure a sender domain that is already registered to a different Sparkpost account.

  • Fix Dynamic content in emails was not properly copied when using Resource Copy.

  • Fix Copying Roles with Has full system access? set to yes failed.

  • Fix Permissions were not copied when multiple roles were copied at the same time.

  • Fix Resources used in global tokens were not copied when a global token was included in another resource that was copied.

  • Fix The Resource Copy modal showed duplicate listings for some resources.

  • Fix Notifications for failures could be cut off if the notification text was too long.

Campaign Factory - September 6, 2021

  • Change The reliability of accessing Campaign Studio instances from Campaign Factory is enhanced.

Campaign Factory - August 17, 2021

  • Feature Customers can restrict access to instances by IP address. To get this feature enabled for your instances, create a Support ticket.

  • Feature Customers with the Reseller package can whitelabel Campaign Factory.

  • Feature Campaign Factory supports OpenID Single Sign-On.

  • Change Campaign Factory is enhanced to have descriptive error messages on failed resource copy attempts. The error message details why the copy operation fails.

  • Change You can search resources for template instances in Campaign Factory.

  • Change Campaign Factory does not support Mautic community instances.

  • Fix The resource lists for template instances were not sorted in any order.

  • Fix When clicking the Actions link for template instances, users were directed to the instance’s dashboard and not to the specific items in the instance.

Campaign Factory - July 15, 2021

  • Fix While using the resource copy feature to copy emails, Campaign Factory copied the segments associated with emails. The copied segments were defined in the Exclude Segments field.

  • Fix When a resource was deleted from a Campaign Studio instance, the resource appeared in the list of copyable resources from that instance in Campaign Factory.

Campaign Factory - June 21, 2021

  • Change When a user is deleted or the user’s access to an account is removed, Campaign Factory deletes the user from all instances. If the user is not deleted and is attached to any account, the user exists in the instances attached to the account where the user has access.

  • Change Campaign Factory is enhanced to delete resources from linked instances if the resources are deleted from the golden template.

  • Change When using golden templates, you can sync text messages to linked instances.

  • Change When more than five notifications appear for a resource copy, Campaign Factory condenses all such notifications in a single pop-up.

  • Change With the resource copy feature, you can copy the landing pages that are created through the new landing page builder.

  • Fix If manually created dependent resources are included in a resource copy, the copy failed without any error message.

Campaign Factory - May 10, 2021

  • Feature While navigating to Campaign Studio from the Campaign Factory user interface, you are taken to the Dashboard page in Campaign Studio.

  • Fix The All permission didn’t persist when the details of existing users were updated.

  • Fix The Campaign Factory user interface had references of earlier product names such as Mautic and Maestro.

Campaign Factory - April 20, 2021

  • Feature You can link an instance to a template. Any changes made in the template can be synced to all linked instances.

  • Fix The Favicon icon didn’t appear correctly while using custom branding.

  • Fix Instance level branding didn’t reset correctly to Acquia branding.

Campaign Factory - March 30, 2021

  • Fix Favicon logo while branding an instance didn’t appear correctly.

  • Fix Campaign Factory failed to create Sparkpost webhooks for bounces and failed events. Hence, customers were unable to send emails through Sparkpost.

Campaign Factory - March 1, 2021

  • Change Custom domains in Campaign Factory now support mixed case.

  • Change While using the reseller feature in Campaign Factory, you can now reset the custom branding at the customer and account level.

Campaign Factory - February 9, 2021

  • Change By using the Campaign Factory user interface, you can now validate custom and sender domains more frequently. Previously, if you tried to validate custom and sender domains and the validation failed, the system triggered the subsequent validation only after ~ 24 hours. However, you can now reattempt validation sooner than that frequency.

  • Change Campaign Factory now allows you to validate the custom domains per instance.

  • Fix Campaign Factory user interface displayed an error while creating new sender domains.

  • Fix There was a security concern with Campaign Factory’s password reset form.

Campaign Factory - January 20, 2021

  • Change You can now copy custom themes to instances that are created from templates.

  • Fix In some scenarios, users were unable to create an instance from a template.

  • Fix In some scenarios, the user interface displayed Mautic branding instead of Campaign Studio.

  • Fix Users were unable to select multiple resources to copy with the same name.

  • Fix Users were able to use underscore in domains.

The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you encounter any errors, contact Acquia Support.

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