Campaign Studio

Landing page basics

Landing pages gives you insights to the type of content that interests your contacts. Using tracking, forms, and other communications mechanisms like dynamic content and focus items on your landing pages can help you obtain more information about your contacts.

Campaign Studio includes several themes out of the box. These themes are editable. You can choose your own colors, images, styles, and more. Some of the themes are available for a combination of emails, landing pages, and form styling.

General options

By using the Templates tab, you can leverage templates created using the landing page builder.

  • The Templates tab displays templates created by the landing page builder and available for selection in Campaign Studio. By selecting a template, you define the look and feel of the landing page that you want to build.


Once you have built a landing page by leveraging a template, changing the template wipes out the content. Acquia recommends that you create a new landing page with the template that you want to switch to and reproduce the content.


Campaign Studio offers users a smooth experience for creating landing pages by providing out of the box, prebuilt templates.

Acquia recommends that you create your custom templates that match your business brand and needs. You can either update the pre-built templates or you can create a new template from scratch. Once you have customized a landing page, you can save it as a new template. For more information, see Landing page builder.

Configuration options

  • Title: The webpage title, which is a short, user-friendly description of the webpage. This title is displayed at the top of the web browser tab. In addition, it is displayed in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs), Landing Pages list page, and tokens in the Merge tags menu in the email builder.

    This Title meta tag enhances customization, fulfills accessibility needs, improves SEO (search engine optimization), and influences the search engine ranking of the page. The value entered in this field syncs with the Title field on the Settings tab in the landing page builder.

  • Alias: A machine name, which becomes the slug in the URL of the page. For example, you may title a landing page something like WR: Acquia + Mautic, where the WR: stands for Webinar Registration. The alias can be something like webinar-acquia-mautic. When set, the URL becomes when a person goes to the page.
  • Category: Organize your landing pages based on their goals, campaigns, etc. For more information, see Categories.
  • Language & Is a translation of: If contacts in multiple countries will be visiting your landing pages, Campaign Studio can identify those countries and display content in the appropriate languages. You must create the content for each of those languages. Select the language you are building the page in and the main page you are translating. For example, if you primarily use English, you can create a French version which appears when someone visits the page from France. Create the English version and label it as English, then create the French version. Add the French label, and select the English version in the Is a translation of box. For more information, see Localization and Language Translation.
  • Published: Set the Yes/No toggle bar to publish or unpublish a landing page. If it is unpublished, any contacts who visit the URL will see either an error page or will be redirected to another selected URL.
  • Set as preference center page: You can create custom Preference Center pages in line with your branding. For more information, see Preference center landing page. To turn a page into a Preference Center page, select Yes.
  • Publish at: Set the date and time you want the landing page to publish. This helps to control relevance, and does not require you to manually publish landing pages at the right time.

    To schedule a published landing page to publish at a specified date and time:

    1. Click the Publish at (date/time) box and select your preferred date and time from the Date and Time picker.
    2. Set Published to Yes.

      Campaign Studio marks the landing page as Pending and publishes it at the scheduled date and time.

  • Unpublish at: Set the date and time you want the landing page to unpublish. This helps to control relevance, and does not require you to manually unpublish landing pages at the right time.

    To schedule a landing page to unpublish at a specified date and time:

    1. Click the Unpublish at (date/time) box and select your preferred date and time from the Date and Time picker.

      Campaign Studio unpublishes the landing page at the scheduled date and time.


The Date and Time picker shows the date and time according to the default timezone set for your user’s profile in System Settings. Therefore, before scheduling a landing page to publish or unpublish, you must check the default timezone.

  • Redirect type: If the content on your landing page is out of date, you can unpublish your landing page and still have contacts who find it go to a relevant page of your choice. If a contact finds an old post or email with a link to a landing page, instead of seeing an Oops! page, you can send users to a specific page. Typically, you will want to use a 301 permanent redirect.
  • Disable search indexing: To prevent a landing page displaying in search results toggle the switch to Yes. To keep your page available for search engines to find, leave the setting at No (default).
  • Meta Description: Adding a meta description is a best practice for SEO. Search engines display this snippet with the results, as a description of the page content.

Landing Pages page

The Landing Pages lists all the landing pages that you have created, and provides the following information about each landing page:

TITLEThe title of the landing page.
#CATEGORYThe category assigned to the landing page.
HITSThe number of contacts who visited the landing page.
DATE CREATEDThe date when the landing page was created.
MODIFIED DATEThe last date when the landing page was modified.
CREATED BYThe user who created the landing page.
RESULTSThe number of contacts who submitted a form on the landing page.
IDThe ID of the landing page indicating the position at which the landing page is created in Campaign Studio. For example, an ID of 4 indicates that it is the fourth landing page that is created in Campaign Studio.

Multivariate testing

You can use multivariate (A/B) testing to determine which versions of content produce the best results. Campaign Studio supports multivariate testing on landing pages as well as segment emails.


There is a known issue in Campaign Studio, wherein the A/B testing functionality is not recognized properly. Until fixed, this feature is unusable.

Creating the parent

The parent or A page for a multivariate test on landing pages is a normal landing page. Create a page just like you would any other landing page.

Creating variants

To create a variant of the parent landing page:

  1. Log in to Campaign Studio.
  2. In the left navigation pane, click Components > Landing Pages.
  3. Access your landing page.
  4. Click the Create an A/B test link below the Page Views graph.

    Alternatively, click the drop-down menu in the top right corner, and select Add A/B Test.

    Campaign Studio displays the edit page with a few differences from a standard landing page in the options section on the right.

    • Title: Indicate the internal name of the page. However, there is no alias field because the URL for the page is the same as the parent. Acquia recommends using a similar name as the parent. However, indicate the variant in the title.
    • Traffic Weight: Specify the percentage of contacts you want to hit the variant page. If you have multiple variants, the sum of the traffic weights is subtracted from 100% and the parent page is displayed the remaining percentage.

      For example,

      • If you have one variant you may want to use 50%. This leaves 50% for the parent.
      • If you have two variants, you may specify 25% on each. This leaves 50% for the parent. To show the parent and two variants equally, specify 33 on each variant. Campaign Studio does not support decimals in the Traffic Weight field. Although you cannot specify the percentage sign, Campaign Studio recognizes the value as a percentage.


      Campaign Studio does not alternate pages. It is possible that two (or more) consecutive contacts who hit the page will see the same variant. Over time, Campaign Studio distributes the variants to page visitors according to your set Traffic Weight.

    • A/B test winner criteria: Select which option you want to test and determine the effectiveness of the page by.
    • Asset Stats Download rate: The page with a higher percentage of contacts downloading an asset wins the test.
    • Form Stats Submission rate: The page with a higher percentage of contacts submitting the form displayed on the page wins the test.
    • Landing Page Stats Lowest bounce rate: The page with a higher percentage of contacts navigating to another tracked page wins the test.
    • Landing Page Stats Longest dwell time: The page on which the contacts stay for a longer average period of time wins the test.

    Once a variant is created, you see an icon next to the name of the parent on your landing page list.

    While each variant page has its own page ID number, only the parent appears in the list. To view the variants, click the parent page name and look below the Page Views graph.


Creating a draft landing page

Campaign Studio allows you to create a draft version of a landing page. This feature is particularly useful if you do not want to immediately publish all your changes and want to get it verified first. Once the changes are approved and ready for sending, the draft can be published. There will be only one draft version of the landing page.


  • You must have an existing landing page in order to create a draft version for that landing page.
  • To get access to the drafts feature in landing pages, create a Support ticket.

To create a draft landing page:

  1. Log in to Campaign Studio.
  2. In the left navigation pane, click Components > Landing Pages.
  3. Select an existing landing page and click Edit.
  4. Click Builder.
  5. Update the content of the landing page and click Close Builder.
  6. Click Save as Draft.

Publishing a draft landing page

Once you save the landing page as a draft, you can preview the draft and can either publish or discard the changes.


To get access to the drafts feature in landing pages, create a Support ticket.

To publish a draft landing page:

  1. Click Draft Preview URL.

  2. If the changes look fine and can be published to the production environment, click Edit.

  3. Click Apply Draft.

    To discard the changes, click Discard Draft.

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