Fri Sep 20 2024 13:12:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
The following table lists the operators that you use in segments, campaign events, and various types of dynamic content:
Operator | Description | Example |
Equals | The value on the contact record exactly matches the filter value. | - |
Not Equal | The value on the contact record does not match the filter value. | - |
After* | The value on the contact record is after the date or time frame in the filter value. After selecting this operator, you must select and configure one of the following date options:
After (Including day)* | The value on the contact record is on or after the date or time frame in the filter value.
Before* | The value on the contact record is before the date or time frame in the filter value.
Before (Including day)* | The value on the contact record is on or before the date or time frame in the filter value.
Empty | No value exists in the field on the contact record. | - |
Not empty | A value exists in the field on the contact record. | - |
Like | This operator is not supported in date or datetime fields, and must not be used. | - |
Not like | This operator is not supported in date or datetime fields, and must not be used. | - |
Regexp | The value on the contact record matches the specified regular expression pattern. If you are not proficient with regular expression, do not use this operator. | - |
Not regexp | The value on the contact record does not match the specified regular expression pattern. If you are not proficient with regular expressions, do not use this operator. | - |
Starts with | The value on the contact record begins with the specified number in the filter value. These filter values should generally reference years, or years and months. | A value of 19 matches any contacts whose field value has a year in the 1900s. A value of 200 matches contacts with a year value between 2000 and 2009 and a value of 2020-11 matches contacts with a field value in November 2020. |
Ends with | The value on the contact record ends with the specified number in the filter value. These filter values should generally reference days, or months and days. | A value of 1 matches anyone whose field value is on the 1st, 11th, 21st, or 31st of any month but a value of 01 matches the 1st of a month. A value of 01-01 finds contacts whose value is for January 1 of any year. |
Contains | The value on the contact record contains the specified content in the filter value. Acquia does not recommend using this operator because there are very few use cases for this data apart from potentially finding a somewhat random subset of contacts (without using Randomizer). | - |
Including (Select) | The value on the contact record includes the entries selected in the multi-select box. In the multi-select box, you can select multiple indexable custom fields of Text data type. The multi-select box supports the auto-complete feature, which is activated when you enter minimum three characters of the entry that you want to select. The auto-complete feature displays only the first 1000 matching entries alphabetically. The multi-select box does not have a limit for the number of entries that you can select from the suggestion list. For information about the use of indexing, visit Custom Fields. | If you select the names John, Jan, and Josh in the multi-select box, contacts with these names are included. |
In the last* | The value on the contact record is between the current date and the last X days, months, or years. Here, X is the number specified in the filter value.
| If the value is set to 10 days and the execution date is June 12, 2024, contacts with field value between June 02, 2024 00:00:00 and June 12, 2024 23:59:59 are included. |
In the next* | The value on the contact record is between the current date and the next X days, months, or years. Here, X is the number specified in the filter value.
| If the value is set to 10 days and the execution date is June 12, 2024, contacts with field value between June 12, 2024 00:00:00 and June 22, 2024 23:59:59 are included. |
Between* | The value on the contact record is between the range specified in the filter value. This operator includes the start and end date in the range. Depending on the filter type, it can be a date range or a numeric range. | - |
Not between* | The value on the contact record is not between the range specified in the filter value. This operator includes the start and end date in the range. Depending on the filter type, it can be a date range or a numeric range. If the value on a contact record is null , the system does not add the contact. | - |
* The Campaign Studio user interface is updated to rename these operators in 2024. For segments and campaign events that were created prior to this update, Campaign Studio will display the updated name but will keep the values unchanged. For example, the relative values used previously will be displayed as absolute values until the filter is edited. |
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