Campaign Studio

2022 Release notes - Campaign Studio

This webpage describes the updates Acquia made to Campaign Studio in 2022. For the latest updates, see Release notes.

Campaign Studio - November 18, 2022

  • Change Improvements are made to the speed of segment rebuilds.

  • Fix The sender name for emails was not taken from the From name field on the Advanced tab.

Campaign Studio - November 2, 2022

  • Change Custom items can have unique identifiers based on unique values.

  • Change Custom items can be exported in the CSV file format.

  • Change Campaign membership must be complete before starting the campaign.

  • Fix Duplicate contacts were getting created through the API PUT/PATCH request when merging contacts.

  • Fix Email stats in tables and graphs were inconsistent.

  • Fix DST changes caused campaign events to get stuck in a scheduling loop.

  • Fix When forms were deleted, the corresponding form submissions were not getting deleted.

  • Fix Segment filters did not work properly with Date fields in custom objects.

  • Fix Users were unable to save changes made to resource copied saved rows.

  • Fix Users were unable to use SSO when they had a different sub-domain and marketing domain.

  • Fix Deleted themes were reappearing after every upgrade.

Campaign Studio - October 3, 2022

  • Fix The Modified Date segment filter did not function.

  • Fix Users could edit or preview emails for email events for Point Triggers.

  • Fix The Subscribed Categories segment filter type was not showing all available categories.

  • Fix Campaigns with the Update contact owner action were breaking.

  • Fix The Visited any URL with X page title segment filter did not function.

  • Fix Contacts could not opt out through the Preference Center.

  • Fix Incorrect Contact timeline URL generated in Campaign Studio timeline field on leads that were synced to Salesforce.

  • Fix Multi-select field segment filters did not function.

  • Fix Company and Contact tokens were not functioning in Email Subject lines.

  • Fix Many segment rebuild jobs were failing.

  • Fix Non-Drift contacts were getting synced to the Drift plugin.

  • Fix Email Reply to address was not using the configured value.

  • Fix Contacts were getting incorrectly marked as deleted after Drift plugins syncs.

  • Fix Customers could not send the export report email.

  • Fix Custom object fields in campaign conditions did not function.

  • Fix Users with asset view permissions were able to modify assets.

  • Fix An error occurred when duplicating or cloning a campaign when no changes were made before saving.

  • Fix A configuration issue caused a redirect loop while accessing elFinder.

  • Fix The wording for the Notification permissions was inappropriate.

  • Fix State and Country data were interchanged on form fill results.

Campaign Studio - September 6, 2022

  • Fix Campaign Studio did not send emails to contacts who had a different “From name” but the same email address.

Campaign Studio - August 29, 2022

  • Feature Campaign Studio blocks activities that are considered to be bot-related, and does not count page hits and email reads.

  • Change Improvements are made to the code quality for the Company Lookup field.

  • Change Building campaign membership is optimized while building segments.

  • Change Nightly segment rebuilds are randomized and distributed during a 6-hour range.

  • Fix Page hits with null data were being logged in the database.

  • Fix Campaign events failed because Sparkpost network issues were not retried.

  • Fix New custom field creation had a long lag time.

Campaign Studio - July 13, 2022

  • Change The contacts in the CSV format are exported to the user’s email address as a downloadable link. This feature currently supports the export of a maximum of one million contacts.

  • Fix User were unable to create a campaign Contact field value condition using the State field.

  • Fix ACS-Drift plugin sync was not working correctly.

  • Fix Campaign Studio froze when users entered a large number for the company Score value.

  • Fix User was unable to create dynamic web content using the Tag filter.

  • Fix Activities were being recorded even when the Upload Mautic Activity field mapping option was disabled in the Salesforce plugin.

  • Fix Dynamic content in the email builder did not work when the State filter was selected with the including operator.

Campaign Studio - June 28, 2022

  • Fix User sessions were not getting cleared when logging in through SSO.

Campaign Studio - June 27, 2022

  • Change Lookup field data type can be used for custom fields.

Campaign Studio - June 21, 2022

  • Feature Users can download an email in the PDF or HTML format through the Email Builder preview page.

  • Change Email metadata for sender can be populated using Company and Contact custom field tokens.

  • Change Company and contact tokens can be correctly populated in the Email preview.

  • Change Contacts with company data can be pushed to other instances.

Campaign Studio - June 20, 2022

  • Feature Campaign Studio sends the CSV format reports exported from the Reports details page and the Schedule page to the user’s email address as a downloadable link.

  • Change The contact bulk edit feature of the Campaign Studio API minimizes the usage of data resources.

  • Fix Users could delete segments in published campaigns without getting a warning notification.

  • Fix Focus item previews did not load.

  • Fix The Company View page was taking a long time to load.

  • Fix Emails were rendered with json code instead of html.

  • Fix Landing pages were rendered with json code instead of html.

  • Fix Campaign Studio did not allow saving the Contact field value campaign condition.

  • Fix Campaign Studio returned a HTTP 500 error when users tried to save a too large Point Action value.

  • Fix Forms with conditional fields could not be cloned.

  • Fix Sessions were not getting cleared when logging in through SSO.

Campaign Studio - May 11, 2022

  • Fix Improvements were needed in the segment rebuild process and Mysql & Redis.

Campaign Studio - May 10, 2022

  • Fix Fields deleted or unpublished in Campaign Studio and Salesforce were not removed from the mapped fields list.

  • Fix Deleting a campaign was affecting campaign event jobs for other entities with the same ID.

Campaign Studio - April 27, 2022

  • Feature A new campaign condition prevents an action from executing for a contact after a configured time.

  • Change All anonymous contacts are removed from segments.

  • Change SSO login behaviour is improved.

  • Fix Campaign events with a zero time delay ignored the configured days of week.

  • Fix The Push contact to integration campaign action showed wrong count on the Actions tab.

  • Fix Language translations were not working correctly.

  • Fix Improvements were required in segment rebuild.

Campaign Studio - April 14, 2022

  • Fix The speed of building repeatable campaigns was causing stability and performance issues.

  • Fix Users were unable to import contacts with tags through a CSV file.

Campaign Studio - April 11, 2022

This release merges several versions of the open source project to Campaign Studio. This update will enable future required upgrades to back-end technology. For detailed release notes, see Release notes - Campaign Studio Symfony upgrade 4.x.

Campaign Studio - April 4, 2022

  • Fix Customers were facing email formatting issues while sending emails from the Contacts section.

Campaign Studio - March 16, 2022

  • Feature Users can add custom fonts to Campaign Studio instances. All Campaign Studio customers have access to this feature through the Campaign Factory user interface. For configuration instructions, see Custom branding for Campaign Studio instances.

  • Change Links in the Help icon are updated to reflect Acquia documentation and the Support portal.

  • Change The maximum permissible length for new custom fields is 191 characters.

  • Change Contact batches rebuild faster for repeatable campaigns.

  • Fix Dynamic content blocks using Select fields only displayed the default content.

  • Fix The web notifications list displayed extra text.

  • Fix Special characters were translated to ASCII values when using the Post Results to Another Form form action.

  • Fix Non-administrator users were not able to edit their own segments.

  • Fix The Preference Center block for Categories did not change a contact’s category preferences.

  • Fix Some emails could not be sent due to connection issues with email transport services.

  • Fix Large segments could not be deleted properly, and caused performance issues.

  • Fix Contact audit logs did not show previous Company Name values.

  • Fix Contacts got stuck within campaigns and could not progress between events due to temporary errors.

  • Fix The API endpoint for emails did not return the expected number of results when a limit was used.

  • Fix API calls with no matching results returned an empty array instead of an empty JSON object.

  • Fix Emails were unexpectedly sent as code instead of visual content.

  • Fix Zoom webinars did not appear in the segment filters list until at least one registration existed for a webinar.

  • Fix Synced item through golden template sync was not visible in the UI.

Campaign Studio - March 15, 2022

  • Fix Customers were facing security and performance issues.

Campaign Studio - March 10, 2022

  • Fix Campaign Studio had segment-based performance issues.

Campaign Studio - February 10, 2022

This release merges several versions of the open source project to Campaign Studio. This update will enable future required upgrades to back-end technology. For detailed release notes, see Release notes - Campaign Studio Symfony upgrade 3.x.

Campaign Studio - January 19, 2022

  • Feature User roles can be updated through API.

  • Feature When a user unpublishes a campaign, a confirmation message is displayed to ensure that the campaign should be unpublished.

  • Change The Magento, vTiger, and Saelos plugins are deprecated.

  • Fix Contact batch API commands only worked when the user included at least one comma, and not when there was only a single contact.

  • Fix Form submission results were not accessable by the API.

  • Fix Segmentation subqueries and API endpoints required improvements to enhance performance.

The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you encounter any errors, contact Acquia Support.

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