Campaign Studio

Campaign Events report

The campaign events report helps you to determine the contacts that hit certain events in campaigns. This is useful for marketing and analytics purposes, and for troubleshooting campaigns.

For more information on creating reports, see Reports.


The primary difference between various reports is the data available for such reports. Columns that are available for the campaign events report are:

  • Category ID: The ID number of the category, associated with a campaign.

  • Category Name: The name of the category, associated with a campaign. This column has more importance than Category ID.

The following columns related to Channel Item refer to messages such as marketing messages, emails, text messages, mobile push notification, web notification, or focus items.

  • Channel Item: Category ID: The ID number of the category, associated with a message.

  • Channel Item: Created by: The ID number of the user who created the message.

  • Channel Item: Created by name: The name of the user who created the message.

  • Channel Item: Date added: The date when the message was created.

  • Channel Item: Description: The description for the message. Marketing messages and focus items are channel items that can have descriptions.

  • Channel Item: Name: The internal name of the message.

  • All standard and custom company fields

  • All standard and custom contact fields

  • Created by: The name of the user who created the campaign.

  • Date created: The date when the campaign was created.

  • Date last modified: The date when the campaign was modified most recently.

  • Description: The description for the campaign.

  • Event channel: The type of message sent. This column is populated for actions related to sending or displaying a message.

  • Event channel ID: The ID number of the message, corresponding to the channel displayed in the Event channel column. For example, if Event channel displays email and Event channel ID is 1, the message in the action is email ID: 1.

  • Event context: The machine name for the event. Each event added to a campaign corresponds to an event context. You can add the following standard events to a campaign:

    • Decision: Clicks email:

    • Decision: Device visit: page.devicehit

    • Decision: Downloads asset:

    • Decision: Opens email:

    • Decision: Replies to email: email.reply

    • Decision: Request dynamic content: dwc.decision

    • Decision: Submits form: form.submit

    • Decision: Visits a page: page.pagehit

    • Action: Add Do Not Contact: lead.adddnc

    • Action: Add to company’s score: lead.scorecontactscompanies

    • Action: Add to company action: lead.addtocompany

    • Action: Adjust contact points: lead.changepoints

    • Action: Change campaigns: campaign.addremovelead

    • Action: Change contact’s stage: stage.change

    • Action: Delete contact: lead.deletecontact

    • Action: Jump to Event: campaign.jump_to_event

    • Action: Link contact with [Custom Object]: custom_item.[Custom Object ID #].linkcontact

    • Action: Modify contact’s segments: lead.changelist

    • Action: Modify contact’s tags: lead.changetags

    • Action: Push contact to integration: plugin.leadpush

    • Action: Remove Do Not Contact: lead.removednc

    • Action: Send a webhook: campaign.sendwebhook

    • Action: Send email: email.send

    • Action: Send email to user:

    • Action: Send marketing message: message.send

    • Action: Send mobile notification: notification.send_mobile_notification

    • Action: Send text message: sms.send_text_sms

    • Action: Send web notification: notification.send_notification

    • Action: Update contact: lead.updatelead

    • Action: Update contact owner: lead.changeowner

    • Action: Update contact’s primary company: lead.updatecompany

    • Condition: Contact campaigns: lead.campaigns

    • Condition: Contact device: lead.device

    • Condition: Contact field value: lead.field_value

    • Condition: Contact owner: lead.owner

    • Condition: Contact segments: lead.segments

    • Condition: Contact tags: lead.tags

    • Condition: Form field value: form.field_value

    • Condition: Has active notification:

    • Condition: Has valid email address: email.validate.address

    • Condition: [Custom Object] field value: custom_item.[Custom Object ID #].fieldvalue

  • Event description: This is a legacy column and no longer in use. Don’t use this column.

  • Event log channel: The channel related to a campaign event. This is primarily used for actions. For example, Send email and Send email to user actions require emails, so email is the Event log channel for these event types. For decisions, consider page for the Visits a page decision as an example.

  • Event log channel ID: The ID number of the item within the channel indicated in the Event log channel column. For example, if Event log channel is email and Event log channel ID is 1, the message used in that event is email ID: 1.

  • Event log date triggered: The date when the contact hit a campaign event. This includes dates when the campaign was actually executed or scheduled.

  • Event log is scheduled: Boolean values of 1 (Yes) or 0 (No). If the event is triggered but the trigger date is in the future, 1 appears to indicate that the event is scheduled to happen in the future. If the event is already executed, 0 appears as the event is no longer scheduled for the future.

  • Event log non-action path taken?: Boolean values of 1 (Yes) or 0 (No). If a contact moves forward in a campaign on the no path, following the red line between events, 1 appears to indicate that the contact didn’t meet the decision or condition criteria. For actions, 1 appears if the action was triggered following the contact not meeting the decision or condition criteria and following the no path. If a yes path is followed or the action doesn’t follow a decision or condition, 0 appears.

  • Event log system triggered?: Boolean values of 1 (Yes) or 0 (No). If a campaign event is executed, 1 appears. If the event is not executed, 0 appears. In most cases, the behaviour of this column is opposite to that of the Event log is scheduled column. However, there can be cases where both columns display 0, if the campaign event was not executed for a contact. For example, a decision doesn’t have any actions on the yes path or no path, and there is no context to evaluate the decision.

  • Event log trigger date: The date when the event was executed for a contact. This is applicable if this date is different from the date when the contact first hits the event. However, if the trigger mode is an interval of minutes or hours, this date may be the same date when the contact first hits the event.

  • Event name: The name of the event in the event editor within the campaign.

  • Event trigger date: The date when the event is scheduled to be executed. If the event is already triggered for a contact and the execution date for the event is changed within the campaign, the latest execution date is displayed. You can identify if a change is made to the event scheduling after the contact hit the event. For example, if the date is in the future but the Event log system triggered? column displays 1.

  • Event trigger mode: The scheduling option that was used for the campaign event. Options are immediate, interval, and date. Trigger modes don’t apply to decisions, as yes paths are always evaluated immediately upon the decision is made. No paths are evaluated and the next event, whether it is an action or condition, follows its own scheduling.

  • Event type: The event type that indicates whether the event is an action, condition, or decision.

  • ID: The ID number of the campaign, associated with the event.

  • IP Address: The contact’s IP address.

  • Is published: Indicates if the campaign is currently published. The available options are Yes and No. Yes includes campaigns in a pending state, if Publish At is set and the campaign is waiting to reach the Publish up on date and time.

  • Is the primary company: Indicates if the contact is associated with multiple companies. A separate row appears for each company per contact per event. This column is only useful if the company name is used and if campaign events apply to the company object, such as modifying the company score or changing companies.

  • Last modified by: The name of the user who last edited the campaign. If this column is blank, the campaign isn’t edited since it was initially created.

  • Name: The name of the campaign.

  • Publish down on: The date and time a campaign is set to be automatically unpublished, if an Unpublish at value is set in the campaign.

  • Publish up on: The date and time a campaign is set to be automatically published, if a Publish at value is set in the campaign.

  • Rotation: The number of times a contact has hit an event. This may be higher than 1 if you have the campaign set to allow contacts to restart the campaign, or if you use the Jump to Event action that sends the contact to the same event.


You can use any of the column data points as filters as well. Use a filter or a combination of filters to find specific events within campaigns.

Campaign events reports are useful in troubleshooting, and filters help you drill down to find issues quickly. Examples of customer issues where these reports can be useful are:

  • Contacts aren’t saved in an instance. Using a campaign events report with a filter for Event Context equals lead.deletecontact, you can find events that were scheduled to delete contacts automatically.

  • Contact data is updated incorrectly. Using filters for Event Context equals equals lead.updatelead and a range of event trigger dates, you can find any contacts who hit Update contact events during the time period when the strange behavior occurred.

Campaign event analysis can provide useful insight for marketing data purposes. A few sample use cases:

  • Filter by the company name or any other field related to the company to find contacts from specific accounts that went through most of the campaigns. Using fields that relate to your target audience, you can see which action or non-action paths are taken and which events are hit most. If the contacts aren’t viewing certain messages, you can adjust your campaigns to make those messages visible. If there are messages that contacts view but the contacts don’t convert, you can adjust the content or cadence.

  • Create an event where you want your contacts to reach so that Campaign Studio can count the number of contacts who reached that event. The count helps you to gauge the efficiency of your campaign.

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