To use the API functionality in Campaign Studio, do the following:
- In Settings > Configuration > API Settings, verify the API settings.
- In Settings > API Credentials, configure the API credentials.
Configuring the API credentials¶
To configure the API credentials:
- Log in to Campaign Studio.
- Click the Settings icon.
- Click API Credentials.
- Click New.
- On the Credentials - New Credential page, in the drop-down list, select OAuth 2.
- In Name, enter a name for the API credential.
- In Redirect URI, enter one or more URIs that have API access.
- Click Save & Close.
Obtaining a new access token
Make a POST to the access token’s endpoint oauth/v2/token using the client_credentials grant type:
POST /oauth/v2/token client_id=CLIENT_ID &client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET &grant_type=client_credentials
The response returned should be a JSON encoded string:
{ access_token: "NEW_ACCESS_TOKEN", expires_in: 3600, token_type: "bearer", scope: "" }
For more Campaign Studio API documentation, see: