Create bulk contact
POST /api/contacts/bulk/new
This endpoint has the following differences from the Create batch contact endpoint:
Processes a request asynchronously in the background
Returns a Job ID (e.g. bd17df6a-c5b7-4fa6-8df4-cbae45cb89af) instead of what returns Create batch contact
Has the capacity to process up to 10,000 contacts instead of 200 contacts
See Create batch contact endpoint.
HTTP 202
If the job was successfully queued.
"id": "bd17df6a-c5b7-4fa6-8df4-cbae45cb89af"
Edit bulk contact
PUT, PATCH /api/contacts/bulk/edit
This endpoint has the following differences from the Edit batch contact endpoint:
Processes a request asynchronously in the background
Returns a job ID, such as bd17df6a-c5b7-4fa6-8df4-cbae45cb89af
Has the capacity to process up to 10,000 contacts instead of 200 contacts
See Edit batch contact endpoint.
HTTP 202
If the job was successfully queued.
"id": "bd17df6a-c5b7-4fa6-8df4-cbae45cb89af"
Get job status
GET /api/contacts/job/{id}
Returns the status of the given job by its ID obtained in the /api/contacts/bulk/edit
The status can be either of the following:
The job ID exists only temporarily for 48 hours after the job is created or processed.
If the status is “completed” and the query parameter details=1 is supplied, contact result data are also returned. Contact result data are blindly paginated without total records information. The URL for the next page is returned in the response. Every contact item contains contact ID, status code, and errors (if any).
GET /api/contacts/job/bd17df6a-c5b7-4fa6-8df4-cbae45cb89af
HTTP 200
If the job is in progress.
"status": "in_progress"
HTTP 200
If the job is completed and the query parameter details=1 is supplied.
"status": "completed",
"details": {
"next-page": "/api/contacts/job/bd17df…f4-cbae45cb89af?details=1&page=2",
"contacts": [
"id": 356,
"statusCode": 200,
"id": 254,
"statusCode": 201,
"id": 654,
"statusCode": 400,
"errors": {
"code": 400,
"message": "email: A valid email is required., points: This value …",
"details": {
"email": [
"A valid email is required."
"points": [
"This value is not valid."
"type": null
HTTP 404
If the job does not exist.
Delete job
DELETE /api/contacts/job/{id}
Deletes the given job by its ID obtained in the /api/contacts/bulk/edit
If the status of the job ID is “queued” or “in_progress”, the processing of the job is stopped.
DELETE /api/contacts/job/bd17df6a-c5b7-4fa6-8df4-cbae45cb89af
HTTP 200
If the job was successfully deleted.
HTTP 404
If the job no longer exists.