Acquia CDP


The first step in Campaigns+ is to create an audience for your campaign. The Audience module provides various rules that you can select to define inclusion in the audience. You can combine these rules to narrow down or expand the target audience.


You can use precise categories of rules to streamline your campaigns and generate an audience. CDP provides more than 160 standard rules grouped under selected categories. These default filters assist in targeting the right audience for your marketing strategy. Moreover, you can add new categories or custom rules to relevant categories.

The following are the key categories:



Buying Stats

Calculated rules by revenue 13-24 months, revenue last 12 months, revenue lifetime, revenue decile last 12 months, and others.

Coupon Activity

Refined rules by one time promotion such as, is redeemed, discount percentage, status, expiration date, and others.

Customer Attributes

Refined rules by email status, phone number, primary address, zip code, and others.

Customer Preferences

Refined rules by email campaigns opt-out, primary brand, direct mail, and others.

Email Activity

Target based on date of last email opened or clicked, email sent count in the last 30 days, and others.

Event Activity

Target based on email click, sms click, push click, browsed, app open, and others.

Web Activity

Target by browsing a product, date of first web visit, date of last web visit, web visit count in the last 30 days, and others.

Purchase Activity

Refined rules by transaction placed, product purchased, Average Order Value (AOV), revenue decile, and others.

Machine Learning Segments

Supervised or unsupervised filter by likelihood to buy, predictive lifetime value, next best channel, product based cluster, and others.

Campaign Activity

Includes re-target system filters in a CDP audience.


Re-target by brand affinity that belongs to a cross-brand customer group.


Refine by a third-party demographic data that belongs to a household.


Refine for subscription base across customers, product, product category, product category hierarchy, and subscription product mapping.

Custom Category

Create new categories with any rule you want to enhance with CDP.

CDP provides sub-categories for some rules for detailed targeting of the audience. The sub-categories are called Refinements that include data from events, messages, products, organization summary, and more. For example, under the key category filter, Event Activity, emailClicked is the target engagement. You can combine it with email details such as name, subject, and send date from the Messages sub-category.


CDP offers a range of functions known as operators that are used to create and refine campaign audiences. The following are the two layers of strategic operation with four types of operators, each instrumental in shaping your campaign:

  • First layer: Include and exclude operators - These operators group and combine rules together to define your audience. For example, an Include helps in targeting combined rules, while Exclude eliminates rules from your campaign scope.

  • Second layer: AND and OR operators (nested) - AND and OR logic operators enhance the depth of your strategy. These operators work in conjunction with the Include and Exclude operators. The AND operator refines your campaign’s audience by adding an extra layer of rules that returns true if both operands are true. Meanwhile, the OR operator expands possibilities, accommodating diverse filters within your strategy.

In addition to two main operators, CDP contains additional operators. You can employ these operators universally across all rules or selectively target specific rules within a broader set of filters. For more information, see Operators in CDP campaigns.

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