Acquia CDP

Cloud Data Export

The Data Export feature is used to export cleansed, processed and enriched data across all entities in Customer Data Platform (CDP). This includes individual customer records, associated attributes, and transactions placed by customers. Each exported entity can include standard attributes calculated within CDP or client-specific attributes. CDP also supports exporting records from client-specific entities such as customer wish-lists or store geo-hierarchies, if they are configured for your account.

CDP exports data in the flat-file CSV format to an Amazon S3 location provided by the client. You can do a one-time full export or schedule incremental updates on a weekly or monthly basis.

The following are the example use cases where you can use Data Export:

  • Ingest cleansed, processed CDP data into a client-managed on-premise or cloud data-warehouse for interactive queries, forecasting, analysis, and reporting.

  • Build in-house custom models based on CDP’s cleansed data.

  • Send processed data to external vendors such as DirectMail Co-ops.

Process and logistics

  1. Contact your customer value manager (CVM) to learn more about the Data Export feature and add it to your subscription.

  2. Set up an Amazon S3 bucket and send the required details to CDP.

  3. After the AWS credentials are provided, a member of the CDP Professional Services team will work with you to set up the Data Export feature.

Setting up your Amazon S3 bucket

The following are the steps for setting up an S3 bucket. For any further questions related to this setup, see AWS documentation.

  1. Create a new IAM user in your AWS account for CDP.

    Provide a descriptive user name to easily identify the user in the future.

  2. Create an S3 bucket with the following properties:

    • Bucket Name: Specify a descriptive name to differentiate the bucket from other buckets in your AWS account.

    • Region: Specify the region for your buckets. US clients must create buckets in the US East (North Virginia) or us-east-1 AWS region. European clients must create their buckets in the EU (Ireland) or eu-west-1 AWS region.

  3. Define additional properties for the S3 bucket.

    For example, versioning, logging. Such parameters are not required and can be disabled.

  4. Ensure that the IAM user has full read and write permissions in the newly-created S3 bucket.

  5. Ensure that the S3 bucket is not publicly accessible.

    This step is very important.

  6. Send the following details to your CDP CVM:

    • AWS access key ID for the IAM user

    • AWS secret access key for the IAM user

    • AWS bucket name

    • AWS region where your S3 bucket is located

    • (Optional) The name of the folder where you want to drop your files

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