Attribute Name | Data Type | Description |
ID | string | The unique identifier of the audience history. |
TenantID | int | The unique identifier of the client environment. |
AudienceID | int | The unique identifier for the audience. |
SegmentID | int | The unique identifier for the segment. |
ExecutionID | timestamp | The unique identifier for the execution. It is an epoch timestamp when the execution starts. |
AudienceName | string | The unique name for the audience. |
SegmentLabel | string | The name of your segment as provided in the campaign’s segments and variants user interface. |
MasterCustomerID | string | The unique identifier of the de-duplicated master customer in CDP. MasterCustomerIDs can change daily and cannot be expected to stay consistent or persist across days. |
SourceType | string | The type of the audience, such as campaign and report . |
SourceID | int | The unique identifier of the audience. |
DeleteFlag | boolean | The flag that indicates if the audience history is deleted. The possible values are:
RowCreated | timestamp | The time when audience history was ingested in CDP. |
RowModified | timestamp | The time when audience history was modified in CDP. |
Batch | string | The time when audience history was modified in CDP. This is used for bucketing the ingestion of records in CDP. |
Source | string | Unused column. |
RowProcessed | timestamp | The time when audience history was ingested or processed in CDP. |
SubType | string | This identifies if a campaign has segmentation or not. The possible values are:
Partition_YYYYMM | string | The column that partitions tables. This is the YYYYMM format of the execution time or ExecutionID . |
VariantLabel | string | The name of the communication variant as provided in campaign’s segments and variants user interface. |