Attribute Name | Data Type | Description |
ID | string | The unique identifier of the customer. |
TenantID | int | The unique identifier of the client environment. |
SourceSystemID | string | The unique identifier of the upstream source system. |
SourceCustomerNumber | string | The unique identifier of the customer in your data. |
UUID | string | Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) is a 128-bit label used for information in computer systems. |
SourceAccountNumber | string | The account number of the source. |
AccountID | string | The unique identifier of the account. |
FirstName | string | The customer’s first name. If you have the customer’s full name, specify the full name in this field and leave the other name fields empty. |
MiddleName | string | The customer’s middle name. |
LastName | string | The customer’s last name. |
Title | string | The customer’s title. |
Sal | string | The customer’s salary. |
Company | string | The customer’s company. |
string | The customer’s email address. | |
PrimaryPhone | string | The customer’s primary phone number. |
SecondaryPhone | string | The customer’s secondary phone number. |
Cookie | string | The unique identifier of the person triggering the event. For web or app-related events, use an actual cookieID or mobiledeviceID of the visitor, prefixed with an indication of the source system. This attribute is used only for web or app-related events. |
State | string | The state or province where the customer is located. |
Preferences | string | A combination of the individual preference columns, such as DoNotCall , DoNotEmail . Each value is separated by & . For example, DNC=Y&DNE=N . |
BirthYear | int | The birth year of the customer. |
BirthMonth | int | The birth month of the customer. |
BirthDay | int | The birthday of the customer. |
BirthDate | timestamp | The date of birth of the customer. |
Age | int | The age of the customer. |
DateCreated | timestamp | The date when the record was created. |
DateModified | timestamp | The date when the record was updated. |
DeleteFlag | boolean | The flag that indicates if a customer record is deleted. The possible values are:
RowCreated | timestamp | The time when the customer record was first ingested in CDP. |
RowModified | timestamp | The time when the customer record was last modified in CDP. |
Batch | string | The time when the customer record was last modified in CDP. This is used for bucketing the ingestion of records in CDP. |
EmailStatus | string | The validity of the email address of your customers. The possible values are:
Gender | string | The customer’s gender. The possible values are:
If a gender is not provided, but a gendered first name is provided, Acquia CDP assigns the gender based on the first name. |
MobilePhone | string | The customer’s mobile phone number. |
MobileAdvertisingId | string | The unique advertising identifier for the customer’s mobile device. This can be the iOS IDFA or Android’s Google Advertising Id. |
MobileDeviceId | string | The unique identifier for the customer’s mobile device. This can be the iOS IDFV or Android Device Id. |
NameCodes | string | The Melissa result code system to indicate data quality when validating customers. This also indicates status and any errors. These codes are four-character codes, where two letters are followed by two numbers, and are delimited by commas. For example, NS01,NS03 . |
DoNotEmail | string | The subscription preference of the customer for email campaigns. The possible values are:
DoNotCall | string | The subscription preference of the customer for phone campaigns. The possible values are:
DoNotText | string | The subscription preference of the customer for text or SMS campaigns. The possible values are:
DoNotMail | string | The subscription preference of the customer for direct, postal mailing campaigns. The possible values are:
PrimaryPhoneValidity | string | It is returned by Melissa during customer validation to indicate primary phone validity. Possible values are V , X , and Unidentified . By default, phone validation is turned-off. |
SecondaryPhoneValidity | string | It is returned by Melissa during customer validation to indicate secondary phone validity. Possible values are V , X , and Unidentified . By default, phone validation is turned-off. |
MobilePhoneValidity | string | It is returned by Melissa during customer validation to indicate mobile phone validity. Possible values are V , X , and Unidentified . By default, phone validation is turned-off. |
Source | string | The last file origin that modified the customer record. |
PhoneValidationResultCodes | string | The Melissa result code system that indicates phone validation quality when validating customers. |
RowProcessed | timestamp | The date when the customer record was last processed by CDP. |