Attribute Name | Data Type | Description |
ID | string | The unique identifier of the transaction record in CDP. |
TenantID | int | The unique identifier of the client environment in CDP. |
SourceSystemID | string | The unique identifier of the upstream source system in CDP. |
MasterCustomerID | string | The unique identifier of the de-duplicated master customer in CDP. MasterCustomerIDs can change daily. |
MasterCustomerID2 | string | The unique identifier of the de-duplicated master customer in CDP. MasterCustomerIDs can change daily. |
HouseholdID | string | The unique identifier of the household the transaction is associated with. |
MasterCustomerTransactionSequence | int | The sequence of the transactions for each customer after sorting their transactions by Transaction Date in the ascending order. The following are the values:
These values are calculated at the transaction header-level. If a customer places more than one transaction on the same day, each of those transactions has a different sequence number depending on the timestamp of the transaction and the unique identifier of the transaction. |
MasterCustomerDaySinceFirstTransaction | int | The number of days between a given transaction and the customer’s first transaction. This field is calculated at the transaction level, and it does not indicate the customer tenure. |
HouseholdTransactionSequence | int | The sequence of the transactions for each household after sorting their transactions by Transaction Date in the ascending order. The following are the values:
These values are calculated at the transaction header-level. If a household places more than one transaction on the same day, each of those transactions has a different sequence number depending on the timestamp of the transaction and the unique identifier of the transaction. |
HouseholdDaySinceFirstTransaction | int | The number of days between a given transaction and the household’s first transaction. This field is calculated at the transaction level, and it does not indicate the household tenure. |
TransactionTimeStampFK | int | It is the YYYYMMDD format of the TransactionTimeStamp. |
SourceTransactionItemNumber | string | The unique identifier of the transaction item in your data. If the item has multiple rows, the value for this attribute must be unique for each row. A conventional way to achieve this is to append the status of the item to its identifier. |
TransactionID | string | The unique identifier of the transaction in your data. |
SourceTransactionNumber | string | The unique identifier of the transaction in your data. |
OrganizationID | string | The identifier of the organization where the transaction was placed. |
SourceOrganizationNumber | string | The identifier of the organization where the transaction was placed. |
SourceProductNumber | string | The unique identifier of the product that was purchased, shipped, or returned. |
ProductID | string | The unique identifier of the product that was purchased, shipped, or returned. |
Type | string | The type of transaction line. The default value is Purchase. If you have custom transaction line types, contact your CDP AM or CVM. |
Subtype | string | The subtype of the transaction line. The possible values are: Demand, Canceled, Shipped, Returned. |
ShipDate | timestamp | The date at which the specific transaction item was:
InvoiceDate | timestamp | The date of the transaction at the line-level. |
Quantity | int | The quantity for the product that was purchased in this transaction item. |
ListPrice | decimal | The Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) of the transaction line. |
SaleRevenue | decimal | The sale revenue of the transaction line. |
Discount | decimal | The discount applied to the transaction line. |
CostBasis | decimal | The cost of goods sold on the transaction line. |
Tax | decimal | The tax applied to the transaction line. |
ShippingRevenue | decimal | The shipping revenue of the transaction line. |
ShippingCost | decimal | The cost of shipping of the transaction line. |
ShippingDiscount | decimal | The shipping discount of the transaction line. |
OtherRevenue | decimal | Any other non-product, non-shipping, non-tax revenue generated by this item. |
OtherCost | decimal | Any other non-product, non-shipping cost generated by this item. |
Currency | string | The currency of the transaction line. For example, USD, CAD, EUR. |
UserClient | string | NA |
BundleNumber | string | NA |
SourceSubscriptionNumber | string | NA |
SubscriptionID | string | The unique identifier of the subscription. |
Gift | boolean | This flag indicates if a product is a gift. This is not used in CDP’s calculations, and is simply provided as a standard pass-through attribute. |
DateCreated | timestamp | The date at which the record was created in your system. |
DateModified | timestamp | The date at which the record was modified in your system. |
SourceCustomerNumber | string | The identifier of the customer billed for the transaction. |
CustomerID | string | The identifier of the customer billed for the transaction. |
SourceAccountNumber | string | The source account number. |
AccountID | string | The unique identifier of the account. |
TransactionDate | timestamp | The date of transaction at header-level. |
SourceEmployeeNumber | string | The source employee number, which is a unique identifier of the employee on the tenant side. |
EmployeeID | string | This is the unique identifier of the employee. |
TransactionLastMarketingTouchID | string | This is the last of all online marketing touches responsible for transactions. This data typically comes from web analytics providers, such as Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, or IBM Coremetrics. The data is represented with the following levels, Source, Medium, Campaign, Adgroup, and Keyword. |
RowCreated | timestamp | The time when the transaction record was created. |
RowModified | timestamp | The time when the transaction record was last modified. |
Batch | string | When the transaction record was last modified in CDP. This is used for bucketing the ingestion of records into CDP. |
DeviceType | string | The type of device used to trigger the transaction. This is applicable for web events. This is automatically populated when you use the CDP JS SDK on your website. However, you must populate the value when using the Tracker API. The supported values are:
TransactionTimeStamp | timestamp | The date of transaction at header-level. |
ShipDateFK | int | It is the YYYYMMDD format of the ShipDate. |
InvoiceDateFK | int | It is the YYYYMMDD format of the InvoiceDate. |
TransactionLastOfflineMarketingTouchID | string | This is the last of all offline marketing touches responsible for the transaction. This data is typically calculated from direct, postal mail send events. |
TransactionLastOfflineMarketingTouchIDHousehold | string | This is the last of all offline marketing touches responsible for the transaction. This data is typically calculated from direct, postal mail send events. |