Acquia CDP

Building a Look


Looks and Reports are synonymous.

To create a Look:

  1. Sign in to your CDP user interface.

  2. Click Analytics > Metrics.

  3. Click New > New Look.

    Customer Data Platform (CDP) displays the Explore page.

You can view the followed details:

  • CDP lists data under the tabs on the left panel and categorizes them in tables.

  • The Dimensions tab lists the dimension fields.

  • The Measures tab lists the measure fields.

  • CDP gathers all fields in the All Fields tab.

  • Dimensions are written in gray and measures are written in orange.

  • The right part of the screen is divided into three subsections:

    • Filters

    • Visualization

    • Data

    By default, CDP displays the Data section and the results table. After the results are calculated, the Visualization section builds the charts using the results. If filters are used when creating the report, they are listed and you can modify it in the Filters section.

Selecting data

To select data:

  1. Click the field name from the list.

    CDP adds the selected field in the Data section.

  2. Select at least one dimension and one measure.

  3. Click Run to see the results.

You can click the gear icon next to each field header to open the options menu. You can use the gear menu to remove, filter, unpivot the field and copy values.

You can do the following actions:

  • To remove a field, click the selected field in the field picker or select Remove from the column’s gear menu, and click Run.

  • To reorder the columns in the results table, click the column header, move the column to its desired position, and click Run.

Missing values are indicated with a null value symbol, which means a zero with a slash across.

Sorting Results

To sort the result by any of the desired columns, either ascending or descending, click on the column header.

In the following example, the results are sorted by Transaction Transaction Month dimension in an ascending order. To change the order of the sort, click the same column. To sort by multiple columns, hold the Shift key, and click the column headers in the order you want to sort.

Adding multiple dimensions and measures

You can add multiple dimensions and measures. For example, adding the dimension for Customer Gender splits the Transaction Total Revenue and Transaction Buyer Counts between male, female and neutral genders.

Pivoting dimensions

Multiple dimensions are often easier to look at when you pivot one of the dimensions horizontally. Each value in the pivoted dimension becomes a column in the results table. This makes the information easier to consume visually, and reduces the number of rows in the results.

To pivot a dimension:

  1. Hover over the dimension’s name and click the pivot icon next to the dimension’s name.

To sort the pivoted dimensions, click the title of the dimension. You can pivot additional dimensions as desired.


When sorting a pivoted measure, any rows with values in that column are sorted first followed by rows without data in that column, indicated by the null value symbol.


Columns under a pivoted dimension can be reordered only by changing the sort order, not by manual reordering.

Displaying totals

To add column totals to a report, select the Totals checkbox and click Run.

If you have a pivot to the table, to add row totals, click Row Totals and click Run.

Limiting data

You can limit the results to a subset of the complete results by setting a row limit, column limit, or both. CDP supports a row limit of up to 5,000.

When you set a row limit, CDP displays the results only up to the number of rows you have set. CDP displays a warning if you hide data by setting a row limit that is too low. In the case of ordering, CDP first applies the sort, and then the limit.


You can add visualization using the results of your report to gain insights.

Click the Visualization tab to start configuring visualization options. You can select the type by using the chart buttons. Chart types include table, column, bar, scatterplot, line, area, pie, map, single value, donut, funnel, timeline, waterfall, boxplot and many more.

To download the Look in many formats such as Excel, CSV, TXT, JSON, HTML, or PNG, click Download in the gear icon and select the file format.

Saving a Look

You can save the Look under the specified Space and folder. Click the gear icon at the top right corner and click Save > As a Look. Name the Look in the Title section and select the folder where you want to save it.

Editing a Look

The Look appears with the saved name in the specified folder under the Looks column.

To edit a Look:

  1. Click the name of the Look that you want to edit.

    The gear icon at the top right of the page lists all the options.

  2. Select Edit to make changes to the Look and click Save.

With the Explore from Here option in the gear icon menu, you can copy that Look as a starting point for further analysis, where you can save your changes as a new Look.