Acquia CDP

Call Centers - SalesForce Service Cloud

Personalize the relationship with the call center by feeding the call center system with data from the 360 Profile. Ensure that your agents know enough about your customers when they call with complaints.

Using the Customer Data Platform (CDP) 360 API, you can embed the CDP 360 profile information directly in the UI that your agents use. For more information about profile, transaction and event, see Customer 360 Profiles.

Use cases

The following are the use cases:

  • Provide your agents with the latest information about a customer.

  • Enable your agents to access customer summaries.

  • Surface 360 API recent transactions to facilitate easier returns feeding to the customer care center.

  • Ensure that the agents know that a client is part of the loyalty program and in which tier.

  • Target at risk complaining customers with special offers if they are VIPs.

  • Pull in customer cluster, brand, category preference, recent purchases and recommendation to increase conversion and AOV at cal center

  • Enable your agents to reach out in a more personalized manner


Make direct 360 API calls from SalesForce Service Cloud. For more information, see Customer 360 Profiles API.

You can search for profiles and pull the latest customer, transaction or event information.