Acquia CDP

Facebook - Offline Conversions

Facebook can calculate a more accurate return on ad spend or return on marketing investment for Facebook Ads if you upload physical and retail offline events to Facebook.

This connector uploads a feed of customer and offline transactions from Customer Data Platform (CDP) to Facebook. CDP uses a scheduled template report to incrementally push offline event data to Facebook’s Offline Conversions API. Uploads are performed in batches to a single event set in Facebook. Facebook then uses each customer’s Personally Identifiable Information (PII) to match each offline transaction to a user account in Facebook. For large datasets, this process can take 24-48 hours because it takes significant time for Facebook to match the uploaded customer PII to individuals in their identity graph.


  1. Complete the prerequisites listed by Facebook here: Offline Conversions API.
  2. To receive the latest Facebook Partner ID, contact Acquia Support.
  3. Set up the Business Manager Partner Access.

    You may already have done this step for Facebook - Custom Audience. By enabling the Partner Access, CDP is able to connect to your Business Manager (BM) accounts without having to share your username and password.

  4. Log in to the Business Manager account.
  5. Ensure that the Offline event set is enabled for the current account. You need to share this with Acquia.
  6. Ensure that you either have admin access or at least the access to add the Partners and share the Offline event set.
    1. Go to Users > Partners and click Add.
    2. Provide CDP’s Partner ID and click Next.
    3. Click Ad Accounts.
    4. In the Select assets section, select the required assets.
    5. Select Ad account advertiser as a role.
    6. Click Assign Assets.
  7. Apart from Ad Account asset, select the specific offline event set asset through the Offline event sets asset type, and provide enough permission to manage by CDP.
    1. Go to Users > Partners and click Add.

      This adds the Acquia’s account as a partner and enables you to share the resources.

    2. Click Give a partner access to your assets.

      The system displays the Add a new partner section.

    3. Enter CDP’s Partner business ID and click Next.
    4. In the Select asset type section, click Offline event set.
    5. In the Select assets section, select the required assets.
    6. In the Offline event set section, enable Manage offline event set.
    7. Click Save Changes.
    8. Inform CDP and send the Ad Account Id and name to your CDP team.

      The account name appears on the Partners tab with status as Pending. Contact Acquia Support and inform them that you have granted the access. CDP adds the account to the system user account. Once it is added, the Pending status disappears.

  8. CDP sets up the daily export of the files to Facebook.
  9. In Facebook Business Manager:
    1. Click Business Manager in the upper left section and select Events Manager → Offline Events

    2. In Events Managers, go to the second dropdown from right and select Offline event sets to view all the available event sets. In a specific event set, you can also get the actual event set id (Offline event set ID). If there is none, you can create a new event set by clicking Add Data Source → Offline event set and following the instructions.

    3. To view the data uploaded through a successful template report, click specific event set id to view the history of all the uploaded events.

    4. After the template report is executed a few times, review the Facebook account for critical errors and warnings for the CDP event set. Contact Acquia Support if there are any changes necessary to the data, template report, and execution schedule.

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