Acquia CDP

ESP - Responsys

Responsys helps brands to manage their digital relationships across multiple channels such as email, mobile, and web.


Before integrating Customer Data Platform (CDP) with Responsys, see Email

Input data

CDP pulls the following information from your application:

  • Full contact list with the latest main subscription status

  • Send, open, click, bounce, subscription, and unsubscription events

    • Daily: yes

    • Historical load: Responsys only sends the last 14 days of events. Therefore, the email event history is built mostly based on the daily loads. Machine learning models relying on email engagement can only be turned on after 2 or 3 months of email pull. This ensures that there is enough data.

Output data

You can leverage CDP to push audience and content data to Responsys supplemental tables.

To push data from CDP to the Responsys ESP:

  1. Sign in to the CDP user interface.

  2. Click Actions > Campaigns+ > New Campaign.

  3. Specify all the required information.

    For more information, see Campaigns+.

  4. In Destination, select either of the following ways:

    • Use Acquia API Connector with a standard or custom destination table containing the list of fields that you want to send to Responsys. The Responsys application creates supplemental tables. You must ensure that you maintain all of your Acquia supplemental tables in the designated Acquia folder.

    • Send your flat CSV file to the Responsys SFTP server. Ensure that you schedule your import automation to process the CSV file to your PET or supplemental table.

CDP can push to different supplemental tables. CDP does not have any limitation on creating or pushing data to any supplemental tables. For example, if you want to create a Store Locator campaign, the audience data is pushed to the Acquia_Master_Audience supplemental table. However, for an abandoned cart campaign, the data is sent to the Acquia_AbandonedCart supplemental table. Similarly, for a browse campaign, the data is sent to the Acquia_AbandonedBrowse supplemental table.

To identify a specific audience sent from CDP, you can leverage the Campaign_ID field. Campaign_ID is the unique identifier that CDP generates while creating the campaign. You can leverage the value in this field to distinguish between campaigns when you export multiple campaigns to the same table.

Ensure that all supplemental tables where you want to push CDP data are preconfigured. For preconfiguration, contact Acquia Support.


The following are the requirements of the setup:

  • Provide CDP with a Responsys admin account.

  • Provide access to the Responsys File Server and the corresponding SSH private key. Do not use a password-protected private key.

  • Provide CDP with an API user and the endpoint URL.

  • Ensure that no existing Connector Job is scheduled to extract the key Responsys Events Sent / Clicked / Opened / Opted-In / Launch State.


CDP creates a daily Connect job to extract the updated subscribers and the email activity on a daily basis. Responsys allows the export of a specific event type once. Therefore, if a Connect job is already set up to export that type of feed, it appears greyed out in the Responsys user interface when CDP sets up the export job. In such a case, CDP cannot pull that feed.