Acquia CDP

Template Reports

With this feature, you can create template reports or query reports. You can use such reports to generate metrics. You can leverage template reports to write SQL queries on Impala, Snowflake, or both.

All the legacy template reports were run on the Impala database. However, Customer Data Platform (CDP) also supports the Snowflake database. You can run your SQL queries against either Impala or Snowflake. Acquia recommends you to leverage the Snowflake database for enhanced performance. If you have multiple template reports, Acquia recommends that you at least leverage Snowflake for the frequently-used reports. To run your queries against the Snowflake database, Acquia must migrate your existing reports to Snowflake. To get started with this process, contact Acquia Support.

Creating a template report

To create a template report:

  1. Sign in to the CDP user interface.

  2. Click Analytics > Template Reports > New Report.

  3. Select one of the pre-defined templates available for your account.

  4. In the Setup section, do the following:

    1. In Name, specify a name for your report.

    2. In Description, update the existing description for your report.

  5. In the Configuration section, configure the parameters in your reports.

    The system displays the parameters based on the selected pre-defined template. You can further customize such parameters.

  6. Go to the Summary section.

  7. To schedule the execution of the report, select the Schedule checkbox and select one of the following scheduling options:

    • Once

    • Minutes

    • Hourly

    • Daily

    • Weekly

    • Monthly

    Alternatively, you can execute the report instantaneously. To execute the report immediately, click Run Now > Run.

  8. To send the results of your reports to an external location, select the Destination checkbox, select a destination from the list of available options, and do the following:

    1. Define the Output File Name and select the Add current date suffix checkbox to append the current date to the file name.

      Note that CDP displays these options for SFTP and S3 output connectors.

      Alternatively, select a destination list from the available options for all non-SFTP or non-S3 output connectors.

  9. To send the template report data through an email, select the Email Delivery checkbox and do the following:

    1. Select Chart or Table according to the format in which you want to send the email.

    2. In Send to, specify the comma-separated email addresses where you want to send the email.


    You can select the Email Delivery checkbox only if the template report is run at least once.

  10. Click Save.

Viewing the template reports

To view the list of existing template reports:

  1. Sign in to the CDP user interface.

  2. Click Analytics > Template Reports.

    The system displays the template reports with the following columns:

    • Name: The name of the template report.

    • Created: The timestamp when the template report was created.

    • Updated: The timestamp when the template report was last updated.

    • Last Updated By: The user who last updated the template report. The following values are displayed:

      • For migrated reports/Snowflake-based reports: Acquia

        If the user updates a migrated report, CDP displays the user email ID instead.

      • For non-migrated reports/Impala-based reports: Acquia-Retention

    • Last Execution: The timestamp when the template report was last executed. CDP populates empty values for migrated reports or Snowflake-based reports.

    In addition to the preceding columns, you can perform the following actions in your template reports:

    • View Summary: Displays a summary of the template report. This option is disabled for migrated reports or Snowflake-based reports.

    • View Report: Displays the report. The system displays this option only if the report is run at least once. This option is disabled for non-migrated reports or Impala-based reports.

    • Edit: Allows you to update specific properties of template reports. This option is disabled for non-migrated reports or Impala-based reports.

    • Rename: Renames the template report. This option is disabled for non-migrated reports or Impala-based reports.

    • Delete: Deletes the template report.

    • Copy: Clones the existing report. This option is disabled for non-migrated reports or Impala-based reports.

    • History: Displays the history of execution of the template report. You cannot view the execution details earlier than six months.


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