Acquia CDP

Filtering data

You can restrict the data in your results by using filters in Metrics. Common examples of filtering include date range, channel, or location. You can use any field available on Metrics as a filter.


You do not necessarily need to add fields in the results to use as filters. You can filter on a dimension without including the dimension in the results table. For example, you can filter the Transaction Date to be the last 12 months, even if the results only show Product Category and Buyer Count.

Customer Data Platform (CDP) adds the filters to the Filters section.

The following are ways to add a filter:

  • In the field picker panel on the left, CDP displays the Filter icon when you hover on any field name. You can click the Filter icon next to the desired dimension or measure to add it to the Filters section.

  • In your results table, you can click the gear icon next to the column name and select Filter if the desired field is already in your results table.

  • You can click on any value in the results table and filter based on that value and its field.

To remove a filter, click the X sign next to the field name in the Filters section.

Types of filters

The following are the three types of filters that you can use in any combination:

  • Basic Filters

  • Advanced Matches

  • Custom Filters

Basic Filters

Basic Filters are the standard filter type for all fields. Available options vary based on the field type and relevant drop-down lists. CDP displays the calendar widgets and text fields for selection accordingly. The following are the examples:

  • If the filtered field is a date dimension, options include time range and CDP displays a calendar widget.

  • If the field is numeric, options include equal to or less than and more.

  • If the filtered field is a text dimension, a dropdown menu lists all the available values for that dimension and narrows down the list as you type. You can also copy a list of values into the filter field for a large set of values.

Advanced Matches

After adding a field as a filter, you can select matches (advanced) from the dropdown menu of the filter and type in filter expressions for more flexibility. The types of filter expressions include String, Date and Number. With String filter expressions, you can add intricate filters on text fields that include or match certain parts of strings. Date filter expressions are English phrases that filter dates or date intervals on a rolling basis relative to the current date or absolute dates.

A common use case for Advanced Matches is configuring different date ranges. For example, you can filter the Transaction Date to be 13-24 months ago by typing “24 months ago for 12 months” into the matches(advanced) field. See the following example:

Custom Filters

With Custom Filters, you can use functions to create complex conditions and to specify detailed logic, such as combining AND and OR logic together. To add a Custom Filter, expand the Filters section and select the Custom Filter checkbox at the top right corner. In the field, you can type functions and dimensions.

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