Acquia CDP

Metrics filters tables

The two types of metrics filter tables are:

  • Dimension filter tables: Sets the criteria to categorize and segment your data. The tables provides a detailed analysis based on categorical or qualitative attributes. Dimensions are non-numeric fields that help you to segment, group, and analyze data across various attributes. With these tables, you get an in-depth understanding of business operations, customer behavior, and other key metrics through detailed data exploration and visualization.

  • Measure filter tables: Captures quantitative data metrics that provide numeric insights and calculations. Measures in Looker represent aggregated quantitative metrics such as sums, counts, averages, and other mathematical aggregations. Measures are required to perform calculations and analyze numerical aspects of data. They are often combined with dimensions or categorical attributes. This integration provides a comprehensive view of business metrics, performance indicators, and other quantitative analysis within reports and dashboards.

These tables represent simplified views of your data models integrated into CDP analytics features, and are used when creating looks and dashboards.


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